Chapter 4

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The world was divided into four kingdoms, each based on the cardinal points. Within each kingdom, numerous clans thrived, each claiming their own portion of the land. Among them, the Kingdom of the East stood out as the third most powerful, its king rumored to have forged an alliance with the feared Demon Clan.

This seemingly simple alliance, however, had far-reaching consequences. The mere association with the Demon Clan made the King of the East a target for the most powerful kingdoms. You might wonder why such an alliance would provoke such hostility. The answer lies in the reputation of Queen Ivana.

Queen Ivana, ruler of the Demon Clan, was known for her enigmatic and formidable nature. Her name alone struck fear into the hearts of many, and her influence spread far beyond the borders of her own kingdom. Any kingdom or ruler associated with her was viewed with suspicion and often targeted by those seeking to maintain their own power.

In this volatile landscape, the King of the East found himself walking a precarious tightrope, balancing alliances and rivalries while navigating the shadow cast by Queen Ivana's reputation. As tensions simmered and alliances shifted, the fate of the Kingdom of the East hung in the balance, caught between loyalty and self-preservation.

"What are you thinking of?" Sera questioned, observing her mistress lost in thought as she gazed through the carriage window. They had been on the road for almost a week now, traveling towards their destination.

The queen snapped back to reality at Sera's inquiry. "What?" she responded, momentarily disoriented. "What were you thinking of?"

"Oh!" she exclaimed, settling back into her seat. "I still don't understand why the Kingdom of the East did ally with us, considering our bad reputation and their own considerable power." Sera couldn't help but smile. "Hmm, maybe he likes you."

The queen fixed Sera with a piercing stare. "Does it look like I'm joking?" she retorted sharply, her tone laced with irritation.

"No, no, I was just saying, but it is indeed plausible, you know. Men often help women they like," Sera continued, trying to diffuse the tension. "Seriously, what do you have against them?"

The queen scoffed, shaking her head. "I don't have anything against them."

"But yes, you are right," Sera replied, steering the conversation back to the original topic. "Why would the mighty king of the East ally with us, only to later cancel the alliance?" The queen fell silent, lost in thought. After a moment, she added, "Am I an evil person?"

Sera's eyebrows furrowed with concern. "No, Your Majesty," she reassured. "You're just misunderstood. Your methods may be unconventional, but your intentions are always for the good of our kingdom.”

“That's not the answer I wanted to hear,” she said nonchalantly.

The Queen's words hung in the air, her dissatisfaction palpable. Sera hesitated, unsure of how to respond. After a moment, she gathered her thoughts and spoke carefully.

"I understand, Your Majesty," Sera began, her tone gentle yet firm. "But perhaps the answer you seek lies not in the opinions of others, but in your own actions and intentions."

The queen regarded Sera thoughtfully, her expression softened by her advisor's words. After a brief pause, she nodded slowly, a flicker of resolve in her eyes. But then, she added with a hint of frustration, "I hate contradictions."

She remained silent, understanding the queen's aversion to contradictory statements. Instead, she simply nodded in acknowledgment, allowing the weight of the queen's declaration to linger in the air between them.

The journey to the Kingdom of the East stretched on for almost two weeks, punctuated by stops in passing villages and towns along the way. Finally, they arrived at the kingdom's gate, boldly emblazoned with the words, 'East Kingdom.'

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