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Evelyn couldn't believe her luck. She had just met Hiro Akeno, the visionary behind the Hiro Art Galleries. The encounter left her feeling both exhilarated and nervous about the assignment he had given her. This was her chance to impress him and potentially secure him as her first client.

Overwhelmed with excitement after meeting Akeno, Evelyn rushed back home to the apartment she shared with Imani. She couldn't wait to start working on the painting that would capture the essence of what she now believed represented seventh heaven. Unable to sleep, she freshened up and decided to begin painting.

"Did you get inspired at the gallery?" Imani asked her friend while watching her make herself a cup of tea.

"Yes! You won't believe who I met tonight. Hiro! Hiro Akeno himself," Evelyn told her excitedly.

"I have no idea who that is," Imani chuckled, and Evelyn rolled her eyes.

"He's the owner of the Hiro Art Gallery with branches all over the country."

"I don't recognize the name."

Evelyn sighed and shook her head.

"Anyway, he gave me an assignment. This might be the biggest opportunity of my life, Imani. I can't afford to lose it."

"I trust you'll do just fine, Eve. You're talented," her friend said with a smile, and Evelyn smiled back.

"Thank you, Im. I'll let you rest. I'll be in the studio."


Evelyn left the living room and walked down the corridor to the room Imani had allowed her to turn into a studio for her work.

As soon as she entered her studio, she placed the card with Hiro's contact information on her desk, serving as a constant reminder of the opportunity before her.

Evelyn carefully selected her materials: canvas, brushes, and an array of vibrant colors. She wanted her painting to evoke the same rawness and explicitness Hiro had described but from her own perspective. This would be the painting that changed her life.

She stared at the blank canvas, deep in thought. Where should she start? What would she paint?

Evelyn remained silent, her gaze fixed on the canvas, as her mind drifted to her meeting with Hiro Akeno that night. Instead of recalling his words, she found herself reminiscing about the scent of his alluring cologne, his luscious hair, long lashes, and dark eyes. His tall, muscular frame. His beautiful lips and perfect nose. He was an incredibly attractive man, and Evelyn couldn't help but imagine what it would feel like to be held in his arms, even if only in a hug.

As these thoughts filled her mind, she imagined the seventh heaven painting being about them. Did Hiro's painting reflect his reality? It wouldn't surprise her if it did. Who wouldn't want a man like Hiro dominating them sexually?

Evelyn shook her head, trying to escape her inappropriate thoughts, but to no avail. She couldn't stop lusting after a man she had just met.

"Perhaps he could be my muse," she whispered to herself.

Grasping her brush, Evelyn began to paint as detailed images flooded her mind. It was a combination of her deepest desires as a woman with a limited sexual life, yearning to explore her own sensuality. Inspired by Hiro's words, his art, and himself, she found herself painting away. With brush in hand, the canvas in front of her became a reflection of her thoughts, bringing her desires to life.

* * *

For days, Evelyn immersed herself in her work. She painted with passion and intensity, pouring her emotions onto the canvas. As the weekend approached, Evelyn added the finishing touches to her painting.

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