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Akeno's punctuality shone through as the clock struck 9 PM, with the car he had arranged for Evelyn already stationed at the entrance of her apartment complex, ready to whisk her away.

Imani, having lent her expertise to help Evelyn with her makeup and hair for the evening, couldn't help but tease, "You seem as thrilled as someone going on a date rather than a content employee."

Evelyn chuckled in response, stealing a final glance in the mirror. She wanted to confide in Imani about the complicated truth of her situation with Akeno, but at the same time, she pondered whether she truly understood the complex web of emotions and intentions at play.

Her relationship with Akeno was enigmatic, having blurred the lines of professionalism, leaving her uncertain about how to label it. Despite this ambiguity, she resolved to eventually share some of these details with Imani.

"Mr. Hiro's car is here. I have to leave you for now," Evelyn informed Imani.

"Alright. I hope you have a fantastic evening. Impress him," Imani encouraged.

"I'll do my best," Evelyn replied, a hint of uncertainty in her voice.

After exchanging brief hugs, Evelyn hurried out of their apartment, ready to embark on the evening's enigmatic journey.

Upon reaching the building's entrance, Akeno's courteous driver greeted Evelyn, opened the car door, and she gracefully stepped into the opulent vehicle. As they glided through the city streets, they made their way to the prestigious restaurant where the billionaire had orchestrated a reserved table, setting the stage for an evening of intrigue and elegance.

Akeno and Evelyn exchanged warm smiles as she approached the table, where he sat waiting for her in the luxurious restaurant that exuded an inviting and intimate ambiance.

The billionaire, Akeno, elegantly rose from his seat to greet Evelyn, and as they embraced, a rush of heat passed between them, leaving both yearning for more. Unspoken desires swirled in Evelyn's mind as she found herself wishing for Akeno to introduce her to a world she had only dreamed of. Despite her lack of experience in many of these matters, she felt a growing readiness to explore.

"You look stunning, Eve," Akeno complimented, his voice filled with admiration.

"Thank you, sir," Evelyn replied with a grateful smile.

Akeno's tone turned firm as he reminded her, "What did I say about how I want you to address me when we're alone?"

Realizing her mistake, Evelyn quickly corrected herself, "My apologies. Thank you, Akeno."

"That's better. Please, have a seat," Akeno gestured, allowing Evelyn to settle into her chair.

As they made themselves comfortable, a waiter appeared, expertly pouring wine into their glasses before taking their dinner orders, leaving the two to engage in their conversation.

"How are you feeling tonight?" Akeno inquired, his smile warm and inviting.

Evelyn's eyes lit up as she responded, "I feel happy and grateful. I can't believe I'll soon have my first piece of art displayed in one of your galleries under your guidance."

"You're going to have an outstanding debut, darling. And it only gets better from here, as long as you follow my guidance and take my advice seriously," Akeno assured her, his confidence evident.

"I'm prepared to do whatever it takes, Akeno," she affirmed, her determination clear.

Her response seemed to please Akeno, as a satisfied smirk played on his lips, and he leaned back in his chair, exuding a sense of contentment.

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