Chapter 8 Vinegar

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Tony heard the news about the commotion and hurriedly went to Clint's office. Once he saw the position the two were in, he grinned. Clint didn't care about his arrival and focused on taking care of Cristine's red face. No one could tell if her face was red because of the slap or because of the man's actions.

Cristine looked at Tony and Tony mouthed at her, "See? I told you." Cristine rolled her eyes. Clint only stopped the cold compress when he thought it was already enough. He turned to Tony and ridiculed him, "What are you doing here again? What are you putting your nose in other people's business for?"

Tony smiled, "I actually don't concern myself with other people's affair but how could I not watch the fun when my friend is involved?"

Clint glared at Tony. Tony, sensing that he was going to be sent away hurriedly said, "Aside from nosing about the situation a while back, I actually came because of an important news." His face turned serious and the mischievous Tony looked like he was up to something serious.

Clint knew it would be a serious talk so he wanted to push it in the afternoon. "Save it for afternoon." Clint looked at Cristine, "Let's go."

"Where are you going?", Tony asked. "Are you going to have lunch? I'll come with you. I still haven't eaten yet."

"You really have a thick face", Clint said.

The three rode in Clint's car. Cristine was at the back seat. She was uncomfortable with Clint's treatment to her so she wanted to sit far away from him, in case he does something unprecedented again. Tony didn't have a choice but to sit in front and suffer Clint's cold treatment.

"What's the use of your car if you don't use it?", Clint asked with a cold face. Tony looked at Cristine in the rearview mirror and their eyes met. Tony raised one of his eyebrows and Cristine did the same. Tony stared at Cristine with the hope of sending her his inner thought. "Look how your husband is treating me just because you didn't sit by his side."

But it was useless, Cristine couldn't read minds so she wasn't able to receive Tony's thoughts. She retracted her gaze from the mirror and thought deeply. Clint's actions for today were bothering her. Why is Clint treating her with care? Is it only because of repaying debts? Or does he feel something? Cristine shook her thought about the last one. It couldn't be. They just knew each other for just a few days. With this, she settled her thoughts by thinking that Clint was only being nice to her because he wanted to repay his debts. She was finally relieved.

The three entered the restaurant and Clint led them to a table. Cristine was about to sit opposite Clint but Tony pulled her and let her sit beside Clint. Tony positioned himself opposite the two. Cristine happily looked at the menu and was sure what to order. She glanced at the two and waited for them to finish choosing.

"What will you have?", Clint asked.

"I'll have buttered chicken", Cristine happily replied.

"I'll have chicken fillet", Tony added.

Clint ordered the same as Cristine and Tony couldn't help but tease him, "Tsk. You're being so obvious. You prefer pork than chicken. I can't believe you want to have the same as your wife."

"Shut up", Clint said.

Cristine awkwardly stayed quiet and didn't say anything. She kept her eyes on the table. She was suddenly feeling uncomfortable. She felt her body getting heavier and she felt a little bit dizzy. She thought it might be caused by the hot weather and didn't pay much attention to it.

"Excuse me. Can we separate the two tables? We have two more customers who doesn't have a table. We hope Sirs and Ma'am can understand.", the waitress politely asked. Cristine didn't raise her head and continued to figure out what was wrong with her body.

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