Chapter 9 Being Intimate

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With a loud thud, the two fell down on the floor. The man became Cristine's soft cushion. She landed on the man's chest. As she was very close to the man, she could smell various scents from him. It's not the scent of cologne but rather it's his own.

People say that each has their own scent. Some has sweet scents, some has the aromatic sweat scent, others have the minty scent, and etc.

In Clint's case, a faint scent of strawberry could be whiffed at the first sniff and later on the scent of somewhat like haitang flowers is added creating a sweet and aromatic scent. A mild trace of mint can also be smelled balancing the two other scents.

Cristine subconsciously lifted the sides of her mouth. If she is not mistaken, the things she smelled are all from Clint's bath products or from his skin care. One might be from his body soap, another would be from his shampoo, and another could be from his lotion. Whatever those scents are, she is loving it. If she had a thick face, she would have hugged the man beneath him and sniff all the aroma coming from him.

But she only has a thin layer of face skin, so she frantically tried to get up. She placed both of her arms on Clint's chest and pushed herself up. She didn't realize that this action would cause her to accidentally sit on Clint's stomach.

"Uh-", Clint grunted. Cristine was shocked by her own action. She hurriedly got off him.

"I'm so sorry", she apologized.

Clint got up but still sat on the floor. One leg was parallel with the floor and the other was bent, adjacent to the other leg. He placed one of his arms on the bent leg and the other hand was touching the floor supporting himself. He was silent for a moment but a chuckle was suddenly heard from him. Cristine was surprised as this was her first time hearing Clint laugh. She looked at the man and froze. The man's lips were slightly parted and one side curved up. His eyes were emitting radiance and was drooping downwards as he elegantly chuckled. His chuckle was very soft, pleasing to the ears.

Cristine has always been following various artists, celebrities, singers, and idols who are exceptionally handsome so she has a very high standard when it comes to looks. As she stood watching Clint, she never thought she would meet someone in her life that has unparalleled handsomeness.

When she first met him, she thought he was handsome but there was something missing from him. He was always showing a straight face and if not, he would be frowning. And now that he sat on the floor with a rare trace of happiness on his face, he looked like a man carved by the heavens.

One of Cristine's soft spot in a guy is the smile. If the guy has a very alluring smile she would immediately fall for that person. Laye is an example. He has the perfect smile so when she first saw him when they were kids, she knew immediately that he was the man for him. When they were dating, Cristine would always ask Laye to smile for her and the other would do so.

She gulped and her heart started beating so fast. She stood there looking at the man and her cheeks turned slightly pink. To hide it, she turned around and climbed back on the bed. She propped her pillow up on the head of the bed and made it as a cushion for her back.

Clint, regaining his composure, stood and picked the fallen chair. He sat and remembering the scene a few moments ago, he chuckled. He looked at Cristine who was awkwardly fidgeting with her fingers.

He smiled and asked, "What were you doing?"

Cristine's face turned red, "I was...I... I wanted to poke your eyes." She stuttered and was obviously lying.

Clint once again chuckled.

Cristine raised an eyebrow, "Aren't you being too happy today?"

"Indeed I am. I never thought you would be engrossed on my sleeping face that you had evil intentions."

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