Chapter 29: Where there's Smoke, there's Fire

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My uncle and aunt were in the kitchen drinking coffee, then again it was early in the morning and the scent of coffee was a lovely scent to wake up to.

"Sabah El-Kheir" said my uncle.

"Sabah El-Nour" I responded. "I was hoping we could...we could talk."

"Sure" my uncle said.

I sat down, wondering where to begin this conversation.

"I don't even know where to begin."

"Just tell me the first thing that pops into your mind" he smiled.

"Are you mad at me?"

"Why would I be mad at you?"

"Because of how acted yesterday with Hassan."

"Sweetie, don't worry so much" my aunt said. "After you and Cielo went upstairs, we spoke to them and we explained, in more detail, everything you've been through and why you reacted the way you did. They truly are sorry for that and Hassan really wants to rekindle your guys' friendship."

"Do you think we still have a chance?" I asked, unsure of myself.

"Of course, you do" said my aunt.

"I can't believe I acted the way I did. I should have been more logical and reasonable. How did I let my emotions get me this badly?"

"Yes, you did lose control of your emotions but I understand why it happened. You should talk to Hassan and clear the air. We told them that you were having a hard time falling asleep and how George's passing hit you hard, especially because you've lost a lot" my uncle took a sip of his coffee.

"What did they say?"

Both my uncle and aunt looked at one another for a long moment, indicating something was not quite good here.

"Hala and Kamel, and his brothers were understanding but Hassan was quite hurt" said Jihan.

"And I think that's gonna be the deal breaker" I sighed. "Look, I'm not going to talk to him or try and rekindle anything. I think it's time to move on and not put more salt on any wounds. I've had enough and I'm going to look like a fool if I go over there to clear anything up."

"Why do you think you will look like a fool?"

"Because the damage is quite bad now. If I go over there, it's going to look as if I'm begging him to take me back as a friend and that's the last thing I would ever do."

"Omar, take it from us...don't give up so easily. You're not a quitter and you never have."

"What makes you both think that?"

"Come on" my uncle chuckled. "You didn't give up on my boys when things got bad. You forgave Louai when he showed he was clearly repentant for what he did. Don't give up on Hassan as he and his family, now better understand what you've been through."

"Maybe they understand but what about Hassan? Something tells me he's not going to be so receptive."

"Maybe he will, maybe he won't" my auntie said.

"Yeah, that makes me feel better."

"My point is, we all make mistakes and you made a mistake, yes, but so did Hassan and if he mistreats you, then at least you can say you tried and that you were the better person in this scenario" she reminded me.

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