Husk x Male Sinner Child Reader

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(Prompt/Description: Y/N walks in the hotel looking to try redemptioning his sins. First person he met was Husk at the bar as he asked for a alcoholic drink. Btw reason why you are in hell is cause of s****de and cause of unholy amount of alcohol drank just as a 10 year old, platonic)


I have been walking around this city for hours with no sign of the Happy Hotel. I don't know how long it's been. All I do know is that I can't be here any longer. I need some place to stay for the night and I'm really hungry.

"Where is it?"

"Maybe I can find someone who can tell me where to go."

As I continue walking I saw a red neon sign that said, 'Hazbin Hotel'

"Oh thank god. At least I can get a warm bed to sleep in and alcohol to drink"

I run inside the hotel to find a bar. There were people drinking and a man who looked like a cat demon with black wings.

"Hey! Can I have a drink of any alcohol. It doesn't matter what it is."

"Kid, how old are you?"

"I'm 10. Now can I please have a drink. I really want one."

"Sorry, kid. But I'm not serving children alcohol."

"Why not? I want a drink."

"You can have a soda or juice."

"But I want to try real alcohol."

"Too bad, kiddo. It's not happening." I sigh in annoyance.

"Fine. I'll take a coke. "Coming right up."

The cat like demon gives me a can of coke.

"Here you go. One can of coke."

"Thanks." I open the can and take a sip of the coke.

"Hmm not too bad."

"That's what I said when I was 25. Now, you want anything else?"

"Do you have any food? I'm starving."

"No. But there's a diner next door."

"Okay. I'll get something there." I hop off the stool and walk out of the hotel. I'm not going to lie, that guy was cute. Not sure why I thought that, but it was true. I'm going to ask him for his name next time.

(Timeskip cause why not.)

After eating a big meal at the diner, I came back to the hotel. The bar was still packed with people.

"Back already?"

"Yeah. I couldn't help it."

"So, what's your name, kid?"

"My name is Y/N. What about yours?"


"Nice name."

"Thanks. What are you doing here anyways?"

"I want to try the redemption thing, I guess. I didn't know what else to do. I was wondering if you have a spare room for the night."

"You'll have to talk to the manager. They're right down that hallway."

"Thank you. Oh and before I forget." I take out a bag of jerky I bought from the diner.

"Here. Have some jerky. You must be hungry." I hand the bag to Husk who takes a few pieces out of the bag and eats them.

"Thanks, kid. But why would you want to be a good person?"

"I want to redeem myself for doing something wrong that I'm ashamed of."

"I feel that, kid. Well good luck with the whole redemption thing. Just know you'll always have a friend in me."

Husk pats me on the head as I smile. I hope I get to talk to him again.

(A/N: warning. My style keeps changing ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ    .)

Hazbin Hotel X Reader Oneshots [requests open]On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara