Chapter 1

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Today you woke up earlier for school because it was again a biology test and also you could not sleep well. As you were changing your clothes you were saying things which you learned loud out to help you memorize them.

"okay y/n calm down what was a ribosome again ?? I can not do this , I am going to fail."

You looked it up but forgot the minute after you closed your book. Biology was so hard and in your 17 years of life you could not manage to memorise anything, I mean anything. You walked to Kenmas house while reading something in your biology book, you text Kenma that you are waiting infront of his house.

"Kenma do you understand biology ?" he simply said "no".

" What were Prokaryotic cells ? " you asked.

" I do not know and I do not care " he said.

As you were looking it up you hear someone behind you saying ,

"They are smaller cells without a nucleus. For example like bacteria. They are single cells.".

You turn around and see Kuroo, you look up at him and see him smirking. He is probably feeling himslef because he knows more then you do and is one of the best students in biology. You guys do not quite get along with eachother because both of you try to be smarter and better then the other one, especially in maths.

"You are still struggling even though you were learning non-stop this weekend while I was at a party and having my best time." He starts to laugh.

You decided to ignore his mean comment and his stupid laugh. The three of you approached slowly the school and split because Kenma has now sports and you two are having the biology test. You were really scared of the test because you knew that this was not going to have a good outcome for you. You sit down and see Kuroo sitting down right next to you.

"Good luck shorty" he says , "Thanks rooster head" you looked at him with a grin on your face.

The teacher gave everyone the test and you turned around the paper and the only thing you could write down were your name and the date. After 30 minutes you handed the teacher your sheet empty. You were quite frustraded because you had learned a lot and you still were not able to answer anything. Kuroo looked at you and saw your expresion and understood that your test was again really bad. He chuckled.

"And y/n how was your test" he laughed.

You ignored it again

"Someone is going to fail the class" he said as poked your side

"Kuroo it is really not funny can you stop your nonsense and start learning how to properly style your ugly hair" you gave him a mean look.

He eventually stopped making his mean jokes. You feel him looking at you but you decided to ignore him and his unnecessary presence. Both of you hated eachother but you guys were forced to hangout only because of Kenma. After you hear the bell ring you walked out of the classroom and sat down on the rooftop and scrolled around instagram for some time. You feel someone staring at you and looked around but there was no one except you on the rooftop, you shrugged it of and plugged your earpuds in your ear and continued watching some mukbang videos because you were craving some ramen.

-𝕋𝕚𝕞𝕖𝕤𝕜𝕚𝕡 𝕠𝕟𝕖 𝕨𝕖𝕖𝕜 𝕝𝕒𝕥𝕖𝕣-

You were back at biology with kuroo sitting next to you and playing some games on his phone while you were paying attention and were taking some notes. you were quiet scared and bounced your leg because the teacher said that she was going to hand the tests back. You felt Kuroos big hand on your thigh stopping you from bouncing your leg, you pushed his hand away and stopped it. After your teacher handed the tests back you saw that you got a F, which was not a suprise, and Kuroo of course got an A+ again. You put your sheet away fast so that he could not see your grade and make fun of you. Eventhough you knew it was going to be a F, but it still made you sad. It felt like your hard studiying was useless and that you were going to fail the class. You looked at Kuroo, he was not smiling neither looking happy, probably because it was not something unexpected that he was perfect. He is perfect in everyone eyes, he has a lot of friends, he is tall and muscular, he does not have a single pimple on his face even his grades are perfect, basically hes is living his best life. But sometimes you notice him avoid mirrors. You stopped thinking about him as the bell brought you out of your thoughts. You hear the teacher call you and Kuroos name. Both of you needed to stay in the classroom because apparently she needs to talk with you and Kuroo. You were kind of scared that you did something wrong but you brushed it off quickly because Kuroo was also here and he could not have done something wrong or anything like that. I mean he is perfect. The teachers look at both of you and starts to talk.

"Y/n you are going to fail this class if you wont stop being so lazy and actually start to put some effort into biology. To help you I came up with an idea. Kuroo would it be okay for you if you start tutoring y/n in biology. 𝓌𝒾𝓁𝓁 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝒽𝑒𝓁𝓅 𝒽𝑒𝓇 ? "

Your eyes wide in shook but you were not quite sure if it was because she said you are being lazy or because that rooster head will maybe be your tutor. You look at him hopping he would say no. He looks down at you and smirks and says

"I would love to"

Hey this is my first story, my first language is not english so dont mind my mistakes! :)

𝘉𝘪𝘰𝘭𝘰𝘨𝘺┃ 𝘒𝘶𝘳𝘰𝘰 𝘹 𝘧𝘦𝘮. 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz