Don't fall in love with me

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"I was hurt and you came and fixed me."

Days past and the two got even closer. Sharing their thoughts and dreams. Talking about things until dawn.

"I want to tell you something." Ren said to Maxinee who was getting sleepy.

"What is it?" She replied.

"You know I'm in love with someone right? And it really hurts. So I'm sorry if I end up asking you to do something for me." He said in a sad tone.

"Like what?" She replied.

"You know like naughty stuff." He replied and got embarrassed by it.

"Okay." Feeling sleepy she tries her best not to fall asleep but all she could reply was okay.

"I think you're sleepy so we better get some sleep now." Ren noticing the the lady was already sleepy proposed they sleep.

"Okay, good night." She replied.

Days past and the two were talking about Ren's previous relationship.

"I still love her." Ren said.

To which the lady replies, "I think I like you."

"Eh? That's not good." Ren replied fearing that she might hurt the lady's feelings. "Please don't fall in love with me or you'll get hurt. And how did you come into that conclusion?"

"I felt something in my chest when you said you still love her." She replied.

"I'm sorry." He said to her. "I warned you. Don't fall in love with me."

The lady clearly hurt replied "Don't worry kiddo. I won't. I just said I think I like you."

"Okay if you say so." He replied worriedly.

After a few days of talking and playing together the two had another talk.

"I think I like you now too." He said. "I know this may sound a little forced but I really do."

Ren now coming into a realization that he likes her confesses after they had a fight the other night.

"When you said last night that you're going away I felt sad. And I had this feeling that I should not let you go." He said in a sad and melancholic tone.

"But you still love her. I know you do." She replied.

"I am no longer in love with her. It's you than I'm interested in." He replies trying to convince her.

"Please give me a chance to prove it." He adds. "She broke me. You came into my life and fixed me. So please don't walk away and break me again.

"I won't. I'll love you better and take care of you better than her." She replied assuring him that she won't leave him.

"Thank you. I will be in your care. I will do my best not to make you cry."

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