Barbecue, Fireworks and Trumpets

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"Gift for a kid"

With Christmas and New Year around the corner people are busy with their real life duties.

"I'm going out to buy some gifts for my godchildren." Maxinee told Ren who was busy preparing some meat for Christmas.

"Okay. Take care my love. Remember to bring your umbrella." He reminded her.

"Sure thing. Look it's so cute." She takes a picture and shows it to him.

"Ohh what a small umbrella." Ren replied teasingly and added, "You should get the long pointy one for self defense. You never know when you might need it."

"Pfft! Pointy one your ass. It's too long and hard to carry around." She retorted.

"Well if that is what works for you. Just be careful outside. Look at where you're walking. You're basically legally blind." He said trying to tease and annoy her.

"I'm not. I have good eyes. I can see very well. See?" She glares at him from across the screen.

"Yeah yeah. Go now. It's gonna get dark soon." He replies.

Evening came and Maxinee is still out, Ren impatiently waiting keeps on mumbling.

"I'm home!" She said.

"Finally! What took you so long? It already very late. I was worried something might bad happened to you." Ren said in a sad and worried voice.

"Don't worry too much my baby. This place is relatively safe." Maxinee tries to assure and calm her overprotective boyfriend.

"Okay. So what did you buy? You asked me what would be a good gift for a kid. Sorry I couldn't be of much help. Said Ren.

"Ohh I bought a trumpet. Hahaha! She said while laughing.

"Tell me the truth. You bought it for yourself and not for the kid. He replies.

"Hahahahaha! Who knows. Maybe." She laughs and tries to change the subject.
"So what are you doing? Are you cooking for Christmas?"

"I just finished preparing the ingredients and the meat. Yes I am going to be cooking for Christmas. The whole family will be there." Ren who likes to cook during celebration said this in an excited tone.

Christmas passed, a couple of hours before New Year's eve.

"I'm going out again baby. Need to buy some stuff for New Year." Maxinee told her boyfriend who was in the kitchen preparing the grill and other things for New Year.

"Okay. Take care. Don't stay out too late." He replied.

"I will. See you later. Mwah! She kisses him.

"Okay so we still have a couple of hours before New Year so what am I going to do. It's so boring without her. He mutters to himself then suddenly his phone rings.

"I forgot to show you. Look at my clothes. Is this okay for outside? Do you approve?", Maxinee who forgot something came back to her house.

"Well the shorts are very short first of all. And the top also shows too much skin. But as long as you wear your coat it should be fine." Ren, who is overprotective of his girlfriend tries to hold back in order not to come out as overbearing.

As the hours passed... It is now New Year's eve

"I'm home! Whatchu doing?" Maxinee said in a joyful tone.

"Hi baby. Welcome home. I'm preparing the barbeque now. How did your shopping go? He replied.

"It was okay. Just so many people. I'm so tired. I just wanna eat." She says as she flops down on the bed.

"Well there's still some time befor New Year. Try to get some rest. He replied.

"5, 4, 3, 2, 1! Happy New Year!!!" People were cheering and dancing and shouting to the New Year.

"Happy New Year baby. Please take good care of me this year." They both said to each other as they celebrated their first New Year together.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02 ⏰

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