Chapter 2

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There is a cracking sound behind the wall in front of us. The wall starts moving. It opens and a man in black clothes is standing in front of us.

"You're going with me. You are staying here." pointed the man at me and then at Blake and grabbed my hand.

He has taken me somewhere where I haven't been for a long time but I recognized it here. We're at the police station. It sounds crazy, but yes, I was at the police station 4 years ago when I was 12. They arrested me for attacking classmates in public. Although they hadn't seen me doing it. My classmates were bullying me and called the police. They told the police officer I've attacked them. Cowards!

"Who are you? What are you gonna do to me, to us? Kill us? Or worse?" I shouted.

Tears of fear and despair in my eyes. Although Blake and I have already had our first conversation in our whole lives I have felt, I don't know..., I've got the feeling that at least I have known I'm not on my own, that I have someone who would help me If he could. I was watching Blake standing, looking at me helplessly, tears in his eyes. I don't wanna be alone again. And I see he don't wanna be alone either. I don't wanna him to be alone. I know what it's like to be here completely alone. The first two weeks here I was going crazy without any socialization, without talking to someone, there were only me and my thoughts.

"What do you want from me?" I asked, shouting at the same time.
"You don't have any reason to lock me here, keep me here hidden from the world. I have my family. Do you think they don't look for me? You're wrong." anger comes out of me.

"Sit down" he told me and pushed me down to sit. I tried to get out of his hands, but he handcuffed me to the chair. I want to show him I'm not weak like he probably thinks. That I'm stronger. That I can defend myself.

"You're probably thinking why are you here. Believe me, it's not easy for us either. I have to do this."

"Who us? What do you have to do? What are you talking about?" I shouted

"Stop the questions. You can't ask." he said with anger and left the interrogation room. Then he locked me in. There is a big glass window. Someone is staring at me through it. Probably the man who has taken me here. He's not alone. He's talking to someone who's standing next to him, but unfortunately I don't hear them. They're looking at me movelessly and it makes me uncomfortable. I'm trying not to show my emotions, feelings and thoughts. Even though I don't know my own thoughts. I'm confused, very confused what will happen to me. Suddenly something clicks and I hear what they're saying.

"They'll kill us if we let her go." said one man.

"Now we have to wait for them. They'll do what is good for her." said the other man.

I don't think they wanted me to hear this. They definitely switched the speaker on by mistake.
I wonder what Blake has to do with this if they want to do something to me. I don't want anyone else to suffer for me.

The other man enters the room and sits on the chair in front of me. He is still looking at me. He looks like a psychotherapist. He is tall, maybe 30 or something more. He has the white medical coat.

"Why do you think you are here?" asked me the man.

"I don't know, maybe I've done something bad, but I don't remember or I was kidnapped and kept in that awful, dark, small, terrible room." I shouted the last words of my answer.

I know I'm shouting now a lot but firstly I don't see a reason to be good at people who locked me I don't know where and secondly I haven't spoken for a long time when I don't count the few words I've spoken when I was with Blake for like 10 minutes.

"Calm down, girl. What's your

"I'm Jane. Why are you asking me this? You know my name, don't you?" I answered.

"Okay, how old are you?"

"I'm 16. Could anyone please tell me what this is all about? I don't get it"

"And last question. When and how did you arrive here?" he asked like he didn't know, but I'm pretty sure he knew.

"I didn't arrive here. It was like I appeared here. I was at a shopping mall with my friends. We wanted to do girls shopping. New clothes and stuff, you know. I went to the toilet and when I was washing my hands I.... I don't remember until I was in that horrible cellar. I don't remember any car I got into or how I got into that room. And I don't know where's my tote bag with my things I had with me that day."

"Okay, I see. Don't worry, your friends took your things when they decided to go and look for you. But this is the only thing I can tell you, so no more questions, please. Don't make this any harder." he said.

Then he stood up and left the room. The speaker outside of the interrogation room has been still on.

"She doesn't remember anything." said the psychotherapist or who he was.

"That's good. It has worked." said the man in black clothes.

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