Chapter 7

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"Are you alright?" asked the police officer.

"Yes, but I don't know what's happening. I only know there's my friend somewhere, they kidnapped him too. And when someone was talking I heard that there are more kids, not just me and my friend."

"Okay. Do you know where they kept you and where they keep the other children? If so, could you lead us?"

"Yes" I answered.

First I didn't know where it is, but now I know, because I was looking through the window when we were on our way. I led them to the place where the people took me from. The police arrested Rey and the people who were there with him. They also rescued Blake and the children they kept there.
The police started investigating the case. That why did they do it and stuff even though it's obvious they did it because of the money.
Now I'm going to live with my grandma who we met back then.

1 Month later

My grandma and I are moving into another house in another city where Blake's parents live, with him now. And we started going to the local high school.

The police officer called me yesterday. He told me that they had found out that the people had been selling children for a lot of money. They had been selling them all over the planet for more than 15 years. And they wiped and edited chemically the children's memory, so they don't remember how they had lived before. They were inconspicuously kidnapping children all over the world. Now the people are in prison for life. But the police still don't know why the building has looked like police station from the inside.

We're going to Blake's birthday party tomorrow. I'm so excited. And we have one good news, me and Blake are dating. I love him so much. And without him I wouldn't have got out of the first building.

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