Chapter 3

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I am sitting in the interrogation room when the man in black clothes comes in. He takes me back into the cellar. But where's Blake? He isn't here. There is still dark in here, so I try: "Are you here, Blake?" I asked once the man was gone.

No response. I don't want to spend my entire life here. All of a sudden I notice the door handle sticking out of the wall. I'm trying to press the handle and something cracked. The wall in front of me opens. I enter a long narrow corridor and see a light at the end of it. I decide to go there, because I have nothing to lose. I'm going straight to the light and out of the narrow corridor. I'm outside of the building and breathing fresh air. I can see trees and grass. I start running, running away. I want to call the police or do something against the people that locked me in. I'm running, I'm finally free, until... there's very big and high fence around the area. The area is vast, so I can't see the fence from the building.
I hear someone shouting my name.

"Jane, Jane!" Blake run to me, out of breath.

"Where have you been?" I asked.

"I tried to escape, but it's impossible to go over this fence as you can see."

"Did you want to leave me here, didn't you?"

"No, I wanted to find a way out and then come back for you, but you came to me first. I managed to check all around the fence, but there's only one way out. A gate in front of the building, but it's locked and there are also cameras. We have to get out until they find the cellar, or what the f*ck it is, empty and start looking for us."

We are watching the gate. The cameras can't see us. There's a button on the right side of the gate for opening it, but it requires a palm print.

"Whose?" I asked. "Don't you know?"

And suddenly a man came out of the building. He put his hand onto the button and the gate opened. A car came in and the man welcomed some people that got out of the car. Meanwhile the gate had closed. They went into the building. We were standing around the corner of the building, hiding for more than half an hour when the people came out. The man has opened the gate, but they have been still talking.

"We have to take our chance. Go, go, go!" said Blake, whispering.

We run out through the gate inconspicuously into the forest. Now we're hiding behind the trees, watching the people when they got into the car and drove away. Then the gate closed and we were free. But suddenly the psychotherapist that had been questioning me ran out of the building, eagerly screaming at the man in black clothes.

"Hey, Rey, the children, Jane and Blake have dissapeared."

So, name of the man in black clothes is Rey, I think.

"How is it possible? They were locked in." He said

"Yes, but they found the tunel we probably forgot to lock and now the're somewhere here around this building, I think." said the psychotherapist.

"Oh, no, this is not good, we have to find them now. We will start searching. Tell everyone to help us."

After hearing this conversation we went deeper into the forest. Straight in the other direction from this building. I thougt that the forest had to have an end somewhere.

We've been walking a long way, our feet are hurting, and it's getting cold. I'm starting thinking that we're watched, but it's probably because the're looking for us and I think that they started searching for as beyond the area of the building.

Between four wallsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant