Chapter twelve

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One weekend in September, Nicky and Allie were sitting in a bar with their friends. They'd started out all sitting in one large booth, but the guys had all gone to go play darts on the other side of the bar, leaving the girls at the table.

"Please" Emma said.

"No" Allie shook her head.

"Come on" Charlotte said.

"How are we supposed to buy cute shit for your baby if you won't tell us what you're having?" Maya asked. Nicky and Allie found out what they were having at their 20 week scan but decided not to tell anyone until the baby was born.

"I'm not telling you" Allie chuckled.

"Mean" Violet said.

"How am I mean for keeping this a secret when you and Joey have apparently been sleeping together for over a year without telling anyone?" Allie asked.

"That's different" Violet said. "We didn't tell anyone because we wanted to figure things out first"

"So you just secretly dated for a year and a half and then hit us with 'oh yeah, by the way we've been fucking for a year and a half and now we're moving in together'. That makes so much sense" Emma said.

"As if you and Andy getting together was any less shocking" Violet said.

"Come on, just tell us what you're having" Maya said.



By the time Halloween rolled around, Allie was 33 weeks pregnant and definitely getting sick of it. 

"I cannot wait to get this baby out of me" Allie said as she and Nicky got ready for the Halloween party that Violet and Joey were having at their apartment.

"I know" Nicky said. He put his hands on her waist and kissed her. "But you're almost there"

"I'm just tired of being exhausted all the time, and my back hurting all the time, and having to pee every 5 seconds" Allie said. "You know, sometimes I just wanna crawl into bed with you and watch a movie"

"Do you wanna skip this party?" Nicky asked.

"We can't, Violet invited us"

"Violet will understand if you don't feel up to it" Nicky said. "And I don't care about Violet right now. I care about you. I want to make sure that you feel good. So if you're tired and would rather stay home and watch a movie, I'm more than happy to do that"

"I love you"

"I love you too" Nicky said.

They decided that instead of going to the party, they would get some food and eat in bed, in their pajamas, while watching scary movies.

"Take a bite" Allie said and held her sandwich in front of Nicky's face.

"I don't like spicy food, Al, you know that" Nicky said. Allie usually didn't either, but since getting pregnant, she found herself craving spicy foods.

"It's not that spicy"

"Alright" Nicky said and took a bite. It took all of 3 seconds for his face to turn red. "Jesus Christ! How is your mouth not on fire?" He asked as he reached for the water bottle that was on his bedside table.

"I guess pregnancy has made me immune to spice" Allie said. "Either that or you're just a baby"

"Speaking of baby..." Nicky said and put his hand on Allie's belly. "How's ours doing?"

"Kicking like crazy" Allie said.

"I guess our little bean doesn't like the spice either" Nicky said.

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