Chapter nineteen

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One Monday morning in August, Nicky and Allie were getting ready for work when they heard Jenna. "Mama!"

"Babe, can you grab her?" Allie asked. "I'm like halfway dressed"

"Honestly, if you're not dressed then I think I'd rather grab you" Nicky joked.

"Nicky!" Allie laughed.

"Of course I'll get her" Nicky said. He want into Jenna's room to find her standing in the crib. "Good morning"

"Daddy!" Jenna shouted and reached for Logan.

"Hi princess" He picked her up and kissed her cheek. "Did you sleep well?"

"Daddy nose" Jenna grabbed Nicky's nose.

"Yes, that is my nose" Nicky said. "Where's Jenna's nose?"

"Daddy eyes" Jenna said and came very close to poking Nicky in the eye.

"Yeah" Nicky nodded. "That is my eye...let's be careful not to poke it because that might hurt, right?"


"Yeah, ouchie" Nicky chuckled. "Are you hungry? Should we change you and go have some breakfast?"


"Yeah, I don't know why I asked" Nicky chuckled and kissed the top of Jenna's head. "Sorry kid but diaper changes are mandatory until you learn to use a toilet and you're still a little young for that"

Nicky changed Jenna and got her dressed before meeting Allie in the kitchen.

"Mama!" Jenna said and reached for Allie.

"Hi baby" Allie said as she took Jenna from Nicky, noticing that she looked like she'd been crying not too long before. "Why do you look so sad?"

"Daddy" Jenna pointed at Nicky who laughed.

"Yeah, I know" Nicky said. "You're mad at me for changing your diaper"

"What else is new?" Allie chuckled. Lately diaper changes or even just getting Jenna dressed had become very similar to wrestling a tiny alligator. "Do you want some eggs?"


"Sure, you can have banana too" Allie said as she put Jenna in the high chair. She put her hand on Nicky's arm. "I need you to give her the meds"

"Ok" Nicky nodded.

"I just can't do the whole holding her down and forcing it down her throat thing, and I know that she needs it but I feel so bad"

"It ok, I'll do it" Nicky said. "You have to leave anyway" he pointed at the clock behind her.

"Shit, it's late" Allie said. Nicky nodded. "Ok. Bye, princess" she kissed the top of Jenna's head before kissing Nicky's lips. "Bye"

"Have a good day" Nicky said.

While Jenna was still eating breakfast, Nicky decided to try something different with her meds so he pulled up a chair to sit across from her and put both his and her meds on the tray of her high chair.

"No! No! No!"

"Hey, hey, shhh. It's ok. Look, daddy has medicine too" Nicky said and pointed to his 4 pills that were in a shot glass.

"No"  Jenna shook her head

"Who should take their medicine first?" Nicky asked. "Jenna or daddy?"


"Ok, ready?" Nicky asked. He was hoping to both distract Jenna from the fact that she didn't want to take her meds and show her that it wasn't a big deal. He held a glass of water in one hand and his pills in the other. "I'm gonna make it disappear". He put the pills in his mouth and took a sip of water. Then he opened his mouth for Jenna to see that the pills were gone.

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