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Jungwon POV:

The next week started after the weekends and now I was sitting in class w sunoo who sat next to me.The teacher hadnt arrived yet. Niki was one grade lower than us bcuz he was the maknae out of the three of us so he was in a different class.

"so Jake told u that?", Sunoo asked as he tilted his head in confusion.

"Yeah..", I replied. I told him what Jake told me in the weekend.

"u k, I also heard that two new students w come to our class today. I mean, we already k who one of them is then ig but what abt the other one?", Sunoo asked more to himself than me.

"Whoever they r , they r none of my concern." ,I said.

But b4 Sunoo c reply, our homeroom teacher entered , making all the students sit on their respective seats and shutting up.

"Students, I have an announcement to make. Today we have some new students in our class so please make sure to make them feel welcomed. They r in the schools administrative office to get the necessary things they need but they'll be here in a few mins. Also class president, Park Sunghoon, please make sure to help out the new students if they're having trouble w anything." ,The teacher told us.

After that,the teacher explained to us abt the upcoming events at school and ofc I never participated or helped in anyway bcuz that meant I have to get involved w ppl and thats a no.But the teacher said smtg that horrified me.

".....this time ill choose wholl participate in which program bcuz many students r avoiding participating in the events and we r slowly running out of students to organize the program..."

I cant believe my luck but ig i shudve known that it w come to this day.But the question is....WHAT DO I FVCKING DO NOW?!??!!

"I will tell which students will participate in which program but first, let the new students come..", the teacher continued.

Just as the teacher finished that sentence, two handsome looking boys entered the classroom just like magic.They bowed to the teacher at the same time and introduced themselves.

"Hello, my name is Heeseung. I hope we can get along , please take care of me well!", the guy w red hair said w a cute smile and i swear i heard the girls in the back squealing at his unique handsome visuals.

"Hi, I'm Jay, lets all be friends and start w a fresh start.",said the guy standing next to him w a wink and i think the girls in the back fainted at this point.

"Thank u for introducing urselfs to the class, we were just talking abt an important event we have every year at school.Heeseung, u can go sit infront to sunoo over there and Jay, u can go sit beside Jungwon-"

"Maam, can u make him sit somewhere else.",I abruptly interrupted the teacher.

"No Jungwon there r no other seats as u can see and u never sit next to anyone other than Sunoo so I feel like u should try being friends w someone new as well.",the teacher angrily replied, clearly mad that i interrupted her.

The teacher continued explaining the details of the event and Jay went to the seat next to me and sat down.He took out his nb, tore a small peice of paper and wrote smtg before handing it to me.

It said, 'ure cute'


So, what do u think?I tried to make it longer.In the future, I'll try to make longer chapters.I hope u can support this story but the thing which annoyed me the most is u guys rnt commenting or voting!
Ugh-whatever ig.It might take some more time to publish the next chapter until then, I hope u guys w wait patiently for it cuz I appreciate paitience even tho I myself am not a patient person.🖤🥺🥰

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