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     Ever since I first entered into that creepy basement, I've had nightmares every night! It got my mom worried and she is now freaking out due to my frequent screamings and reoccurring dashes into her room. Especially one night when I dashes into her room and Harry was around. I heard my mom moan before jumping up from the bed to say "who is that?", Startled.

I was sent to my room by my furious mom and I tried to catch some sleep again in fear wondering what they were doing before I abrubtly came in.

Now I am seated in front of my school principal and beside my mother. My grades are falling!

"Tommy, if there's something wrong you know you could tell us?" Principal Morris said. But I couldn't say anything. How could I? How could I tell them that after I had seen the oval shaped light back at the basement, as I ran out my torch flashed on a box and I had seen an inscription on it that said: "I am watching". How could I open my mouth to tell them that on the night I and my family were going for the Adams' party on the next street I saw someone- or something peep through the curtain as though looking down at us, checking if we had gone for the party. How do I tell them how I'd leave my school bag of the floor and wake up the next morning to see it on my bed!

     They'd just think I'm crazy anyway. So I just smiled and said" I guess I'm still tryna adapt to my new environment Sir"..... It sounded like a lie...dang it! I shouldn't have said that!

"But it's been two months" my mother said. Her eyes asking questions. It's the eyes of a parent who feels he or she cannot help their child even if they want to.

"Mom, I promise, I'll try" I said, though I knew I may not keep that promise, for Christ's sake there's a ghost..... IN MY HOUSE!

     Harry came into my room two days after my encounter with the principal and my mom. He said "hi" with a broad smile and sat on my bed.

"Tommy?" He called as if I was blind to see he was right in front of me.

" Yeah" I answered.

" I know what you're trying to do...." He continues, his right hand on my left shoulder.

I wondered where he is going with this.

" You're trying to behave poorly at school so that your mom and teachers can pin it on the fact that you're getting a step dad.." he spoke calmly in a manner that made me think- was he angry or sympathetic??

"No!" I snapped.

He hushed me. " I know this is difficult for you..."
His hand was getting uncomfortable on my shoulder so I adjusted so that his had slipped off and landed on the bed.... He placed his arm back on.

Gosh I want him to leave now!

" But I promise you, of you go on like this you'd only make it more difficult" he made a face.

" I'd never do all these on purpose, it's the ghost..!" I said in small tears.

"Really? Seriously Tom... Ghosts? Oh.." he chuckled. " So you're gonna blame it on the Ghost?... Snap out of this drama Tom" he walks to the door.

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