Chapter 33.

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Y'all like some druggies for this update.

Third person pov:

Paige immediately looked at Azzi. They just stared at each other, trying to process the words that had just came out of Imani's mouth.

"What?" Said Azzi

"I said she's sitting on the couch."

"Is she hurt? What did she say?" Asked Paige.

"She has a couple bruises but nothing severe. And she hasn't said anything."

"I'm on my way right now" Paige said while getting up to grab things.

"I'm coming too" said Azzi opening the door.

The two girls rushed out of their apartment and ran to Imani's and Amari's dorm. Paige was going to bang on the door but quickly stopped herself thinking it might scare Amari. Paige calmly knocked on the door. Nobody came to the door right away.

"Should I knock again?" Asked Paige.

"Give it a second" said Azzi

The door slowly opened the door revealing Amari. Paige engulfed her in a bear hug, trying to keep herself from crying.

"I'm missed you so so much" Paige said.

"I missed you more" Amari said. Her voice was quiet and soft.

Amari let go of Paige and backed away signaling the two girls to come in. All four of the girls then situated themselves on the couch.

"Where did you go?" Asked Azzi.

"We were all worried sick" Imani added in.

Amari bit her lip. She looked around the room nervously, while bouncing her leg.

"Um I went to the bathroom and I did my business. Then I opened the door to some guys. I didn't know who they were."

The girls listened closely, trying not to miss a single word.

"I tried to move around them, but they wouldn't move. I felt hands on me and then everything just went blank. I don't remember anything after that. I woke up in some dirty room. The guys were questioning me about Paige. They told me I either drop Paige or they were going after my whole family. I begged for them to let me go. The only reason they did was because somebody messed up and left evidence behind or something. And it was the only way or they would get caught. They said if I ratted them out they would send people after me. They told me to forget this ever happened and to live my life normally."

Azzi began crying. Sobbing actually. Her poor baby cousin. Her poor baby. She moved over to Amari and just held her. Like it was their last day on earth. Imani held in her tears. If she showed that she was scared that would make Amari scared. And she didn't want it frighten the poor girl more.

"So what are you going to do?" Asked Imani

"There's nothing I can do."

The only one who wasn't speaking was Paige. She was in distraught. Why did they take the one she actually had love for? How could she let this happen? Why did they tell Amari to drop her? Should she distance herself from her? "If you love her you'd leave her" said the voice in the back of Paige's head.

"Paige?" Amari said.


"Are you okay?"

"Are you?"

"Im not worried about me. I'm worried about you."

"The only thing I care about right now is you."

No matter how many times the girls talked about the situation, they never found a resolution to their problem. It was getting late, but Azzi and Paige insisted on staying. Azzi slept on the couch and Paige slept with Amari. Holding her tight, never letting her go.

"I love you mama" Paige said kissing the curly haired girl to sleep.

"I love you more p"

That night Amari slept like a baby. She was in Paige's arms and that's all she needed. Nothing more and nothing less. Paige on the other hand couldn't sleep. To tell you the truth she was scared. She had Amari back, but she still wasn't in control of the situation. Amari's words replayed in her head. The boys were obviously sent by someone. But who? Who would want to split Amari and Paige?

Who would be fucked up in the head enough to do such a thing?

Who would be fucked up in the head enough to do such a..

Who would be fucked up in the head enough to do such..

Who would be fucked up in the head enough to do..

Who would be fucked up in the head enough..

Who would be fucked up in the head..

Who would be fucked up..

Who would..


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