Aria POV

I was off on my way to work today.

Yes, work.

Gio owns a luxury brand company and let me design some outfits there since I'm such a fashion icon.

Mental hair flip.

No, but seriously he basically forced me to come work for him. So, I did a short fashion course and started working there.

He told me not to burden myself, I'll get paid regardless of the designs and if they get chosen.

So far I've designed things I'd want to wear, I feel like that's the best way for me to come up with things.

Luxury brands are a way for people to look good as well as flaunting their money to the world, so I place our logo on every item in a way it looks nice.

I was a bit worried at first since I didn't really have experience. But It's been a year since I started working here and we've already done a bunch of collabs with other brands using my designs.

I'm so proud of myself.

I act like a know it all but deep down I didn't expect to reach this milestone.

I smiled lightly thinking about how far I've come.

I'm wearing a beige outfit, a skirt, crop top, and a suit jacket, with some custom made accessories made by myself.

I love wearing things I make.

My brown hair complimented the outfit very nicely.

I was sitting in my office, looking at some designs when Gio called me over to his office

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I was sitting in my office, looking at some designs when Gio called me over to his office.

His office was right next to mine so I got up and started walking to his office.

I opened the door to see his gorgeous office that has an amazing view. My office is great, but Gio's is amazing.

He personally designed his office, he has taste.

I struggled with what I wanted with my office since I'm so indecisive so I got someone else to do it.

The good thing with fashion is that I don't have to choose one look, I can create a bunch and send it off to the designers to accept or not.

Sometimes if they reject a look and I like it a lot I get it made for myself, then flaunt my custom made outfit to the media.

Yes, media.

They always keep an eye on our family due to our brand, and other reasons.

They're especially after me, whenever I leave or enter work they're there to ask questions.

It was annoying at first but media publicity is good for my designs so I allow it.

I enter Gio's office to see him sitting behind his desk working. He looked up, nodding at me as I walked towards him.

I eyed what he was doing since he seemed so busy.

New gun designes-

Gosh, this again.

Yes, along with fashion our brand also designs guns, and we have our clubs too. Those parts I'm not too fond of. But Gio says its needed so I don't argue with him.

"What's wrong?" I asked seeing him so frustrated.

"They sent me some stupid designs. Which fool approved these?" He replied roughly.

I was used to Gio's temper so it didn't affect me as much as it was doing to his PA in the corner of the room.

I walked around the desk to stand beside him, eyeing the designs.

"I mean, they aren't that bad. They're just similar-" I was cut off by Gio.

"Yeah, exactly similar. I asked for something new. If I wanted something similar I could have fucking designed it myself."

"Okay, okay." I reassured him rubbing his back.

He really was pissed off today.

"If it helps, I can speak to them and help. They're so into their fear they don't process your words properly." I laughed lightly making him look up at me.

"Really? You sure it won't be too much for you?" He asked and I shook my head.

"I'll be fine, now why did you call me here?"

"Oh, for your birthday plans tomorrow. I know you wanted something quiet and simple but your brothers wanted to throw a party." He said making me sigh as I leaned again his desk facing him.

"I know, but they were complaining how we haven't had a large gathering for a while so they wanted to use this opportunity." He continued and I nodded.

"Ok, I don't mind."

"Are you sure? I can cancel it if you're not comfortable."

"I'll be fine Gio, don't worry." I said giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"Ok, I gotta go now, see you later boss." I joked as I left his room with the gun designs.

Time to sort this out.


Small reminder: Gio is her eldest brother, then it's Toni, Enzo, Romeo, and Marco.

There's 5 brothers.

I'll keep reminding you since I know it can be hard to remember. <3

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