Chapter 16: I Promise Princess

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Sam slowly peeled her gritty eyes open only to be blinded by the light room which she was laying in. She hissed when a dull throbbing hit her head. A hand squeezed her right hand, making Sam's eye flicker to them and following the arm arm to the person it belonged to, she saw the one and only; Gabriel. Everything flashed back into her mind. the fighting, the coughing, Gabriel being unconscious. She scanned him over only to find most of his injuries were healed except a few cuts and scraps on his face.

" How long was I out?" Sam asked pushing herself up and into a sitting position.

" Two days." Gabriel whispered moving to sit on the edge of her bed with a saddened look placed upon his face.

" Great, another two days wasted of my ever shortening life." Sam whispered as a silence fell upon them both, but this silence was comfortable in truth.

" Thank you. For saving my life." Gabriel muttered as he ran his thumb over her knuckles, keeping his eyes on their hands.

" Gab, look at me." Sam whispered in a soft quiet voice. She reached out with her left hand and moved his face to look up at her by his chin. Her hand traced his jawline and cupped his cheek, caressing her thumb over the week old stubble.

" You're my mate, rejected or not, I will always be there for you." Sam smiled to him softly which cause Gabriel to return the small smile.

" I am so sorry, for ever rejecting you. I know that I may never be able to make up for what I did. But I will make sure that, you will have the best life you can ever imagine and more." Gabriel spoke leaning into the warmth of her hand as she nodded.

" Only on one condition." She spoke looking at him showing she would not sway from whatever she was about to say. Gabriel nodded showing for her to go on, "Never knock me out a again."

" I promise, Princess." He whispered before leaning his forehead onto hers. They both closed their eyes and enjoyed each others contact for a moment.

" Are you hungry?" Gabriel asked her gently and she nodded softly. Gabriel pulled away and the instant feeling of cold air rushed through them.

" I will go and get you something." He whispered before he turned and walked to the door before stopping and turning to face him.

" No running away this time." Gabriel smirked playfully at Sam who rolled her eyes.

" No promises." She answered back playfully to him as he chuckled and left the room. Sam sighed and her gaze fell from the door to her hands. Was what she was doing the right thing? Staying here and making Gabriel take care of her weakening state, even though he had the pack to worry about? But Sam knew as well, that she would not survive a day on her own. She was snapped out of her thoughts when Gabriel opened the door and walked in with a tray of food in his hands. He smirked as he walked over to her and placed the tray down on her lap.

" Gabriel, I do not want to burden you. You are an Alpha, you have a pack to take care of." Sam whispered looking down at her food, suddenly loosing her appetite. Gabriel sighed and shifted so he sat at her side and cupped both her cheeks in his hands, to make her eyes trail to his.

" Princess, you are not a burden to me. I have asked John to step up and help me out with my duties so I have more time to give you." Gabriel whispered before placing a gently kiss on her forehead and moved back slight to give her room too eat. Once Sam had eat as much as she could, which was not much in Gabriel's eyes, She shuffled so she was laying down on her bed. Sam looked to Gabriel who sat down on a chair and let out a yawn, it was then she noticed the dark bags under his eyes.

" When did you last sleep?" Sam asked scrunching her face up as Gabriel looked to her through strained eyes.

" The night before the attack." He said simply as Sam shook her head and shuffled to the side. She patted the bed for Gabriel to join her, which he did without questioning anything. Gabriel took off his boots and shirt before laying down next to her, wrapping his arms around her as Sam lay her head on his chest.

" Gab, where are your parents? I have not seen them in a while." Sam asked in a daze as she snuggled closely to Gabriel's warmth.

" When they heard about me rejecting you they left on a holiday. I have not heard from them since." He muttered with a sigh, Sam moved closer to him to give him a comfort. "Get some sleep, Princess." He spoke and that was enough for Sam to drift away into a gently sleep, listening to his heart beating away in his chest.

Sam awoke up a few hours later, feeling content and warm as she hugged the warmth next to her tightly. A soft moan of happiness escaped her mouth as she stopped moving, allowing the warm moving warmth below her to continue in its calming.

" Good morning, Princess. How are you feeling now?" Gabriel asked looking down at the half asleep Sam on his chest.

" Better." She mumbled to him causing Gabriel to chuckled and rub his hand up and down her arm, kissing the top of her head. There was a gently silence that covered the before Gabriel spoke to the still sleepy Sam.

" Sam, do you wanna go out for dinner?" Gabriel asked in a hush voice to Sam who moved her head to look up at him.

" Like a date?" Sam asked with a raised eyebrow to him as Gabriel avoided her gaze, his cheeks tinting in a pink light blush. Sam smiled at his reaction to her words with a soft chuckle leaving her lips. "Then yes." Sam whispered causing Gabriel's eyes to snap to her and a smile to stretch over his lips.

" Wonderful. Lets get you out of here and back to our room." Gabriel spoke as he shifted off the bed leaving Sam cold and pouting. Gabriel turned and saw her pout on her pink lips, he like her normal red lipstick but Gabriel preferred her plain, normal coloured lips.

" What?" He asked with a smirk.

" I was comfy and you ruined it." She whined to him as Gabriel chuckled and moved to her leaning down, he pecked he lips with his but quickly pulled away so not to causing anymore 'complications' like the last time. Sam's cheeks erupted into shades of red and pink and she squeaked quietly and hid under the covers. Gabriel laughed as he walked out the room while telling Sam he would be back in a minute.

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