Chapter 18: Smiling

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Gabriel and Sam had a delicious meal while they chatted about minor things. Gabriel smiled as they walked out of the small place and towards his car. But as they reached it, Gabriel took hold of Sam's hand and lead her right past it.

" Gab? Where are we going?" Sam asked confused as Gabriel turned and picked Sam up bridal style and held her close.

" You'll see." He smirked before running off into the forest, Sam holding his neck tightly as the trees zoomed by.

"Gab!" Sam yelled as they ascended a hill quickly. All of a sudden, Gabriel skidded to a stop and smirked down at Sam, who had her face buried in his neck.

" Look." He whispered in her ear as he set her down onto her feet. Sam sighed before carefully turning around to have her back facing Gabriel. Her breath caught in her throat as her eyes landed on the sight before her. They were standing on a cliff looking over the vast landscape of large hills covered with trees. The sky was a burst of colours from the setting sun, many different shades of red, orange, purples, blues and many more.

" Gab... It's beautiful..." She whispered in awe as she stepped froward towards the edge of the cliff. The wind picked up and brushed through her long brown hair, lifting it up. She closed her eyes and took in a deep breath enjoying the feeling of being free and at peace, rather than having to feel the need to be on guard all the time. She was brought out of her small trance-like state when arms wrapped around her waist and a head was dipped into her nape. Gabriel pulled her close to his warm body as he inhaled a deep breath of her fresh smelling scent. They stood in a gently silence as Gabriel held her close to him and Sam watched out as the sun retreated behind the hills of trees.

" Thank you..." Sam whispered as she never took her eyes away from the view before her. Gabriel's face pulled away from her neck to see Sam portrait with a gentle smile, one he had not seen on her face since before her parents had died years past.

" Why? Why are you thanking me when this is all my doing?" He asked with a confused tone to his words. Sam stepped out his embrace slightly watching the colours burst into complete golden light. Sam turned to face Gabriel with the gold light outlining her face and nose, just showing her eyes while the other parts where a deep black. Her brown hair shone streaks of gold and her brown eyes looked to Gabriel with nothing but gratitude laced into their endless strands.

" You have taken me back in, you have given me a place to stay and the love I needed for the remainder of my shortened life. Wither or not you are responsible for it, thank you." Sam smirked to him before turned around to face the sunset just as the tip disappeared behind the hills. Gabriel walked up to her before placing his hands onto her hips and spinning her around to face him, her brown eyes lifted up to meet his blue orbs. Gabriel lifted his right hand and placed it gently onto her left cheek, gently caressing his thumb just under her eye.

" You, Sam. Are worth every second of every minute." Gabriel whispered looking deep into her eyes, showing he meant every word and that he truly regretted everything that has transpired. Sam smile with welled up eyes before letting her heart take control of her body, the feeling of being able to do what you want and not what you think is best was euphoric. Sam pulled her weight onto her tip toes before pressing her lips onto Gabriel's plumb lips. She knew this was a risk kissing him, but in this moment; she did not care. Gabriel instantly kissed her back, pressing his lips hungry for her but yet gently as if she was made from china and could break any given moment. Both Sam and Gabriel let lose tears down their cheek, mixing them together as they kissed. Realising that in the near future, they can never go any further than this with each other. Gabriel reluctantly pulled away from Sam, keeping his eyes closed savoring this moment between them. No fighting, no snark comments or actions; just pure bliss.

" You are so strong." Gabriel whispered to her as the soft tears continued to slip his eyes as his walls finally fell. Sam smiled softly as her hands lifted up to both his cheeks and gently wiped away his tears of sorrow.

" But now, I need you to be strong for me. For I can no longer do it myself." Sam whispered to him as Gabriel nodded taking in a deep breath. His posture straightened as he looked up over Sam's head with a determined look. This caused Sam to giggle at him and shake her head.

" But that does not mean I do not want you not to show me this side of you. Sometimes, even the building supporting beams break." Sam whispered as Gabriel eyes trailed back to hers with a small smile. "And when that happens, they too need help to support that building."

" Wise words, princess." Gabriel whispered kissing her forehead softly. The light had faded and now the stars had taken dominion of the skies above with the moon as their Queen. Not a dark cloud hung in the sky as the stars danced together with the watchful eye of the Moon and Earth.

" Come on, time to head back to the house." Gabriel spoke as Sam nodded with her head in his shoulder. Gabriel chuckled and lifted her up into his arms before turning and walking back through the dense forest area.

"I can barely smell your scent anymore. My eyes can barely seen anything in the dark. My strength is dieing and my speed is fading." Sam whispered sadly into his neck, taking in a deep breath to pick up what little of his scent she could. "I am reaching the final stages. Keira will die very soon." Sam continued as Gabriel growled. He continued to his jeep and placed Sam into the seat before getting into his and driving back to the pack house, the journey was silent with nothing said as they pulled up at the front of the house. Gabriel got out of the jeep and went around to the side too lift Sam out and back into his arms. He left the car where it was, knowing someone would deal with it; he made his way up to his room.

Once inside, Gabriel placed Sam down gently onto the sheets and careful began to removed her leather jacket. He placed the clothing onto the back of the chair and pulled out one of his white clean shirts from the drawers and walked back over to Sam. Gabriel took of her combat boots and placed them on the floor before carefully removing her blood red skater dress and slipped his shirt on over her thin frame. He kissed her forehead before standing up and stripping down to his boxers and sliding into the covered the his side of the bed. He reached over and pulled Sam into his safe embrace, keeping her head onto his chest and his arms tightly around her.

" Gab, I have never said this before but..." Sam whispered to him, half asleep yet still conscious enough to understand what she was doing. "Gab, I am scared. I am so scared." She whimpered and buried her face into his chest more as he rubbed her arm up and down. He kiss the top of her head, holding her tighter.

" You do not have to be. I am here and I always will be." He whispered before the both fell into a calm sleep in each others embrace.

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