Chapter 19: Illness

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" Has there been any news on Elisa?" Gabriel asked as he sat on his chair in the Alpha's office while talking to John and two other warriors. Sam was sitting on his lap with her head rested on his chest taking a calm nap, Gabriel's right arm was around her waist holding so she would not fall.

" No, it is almost like she just completely vanished. We have searched everywhere and came up empty handed." John spoke in a less-than-pleased tone of voice as he sat on a chair facing Gabriel.

" Keep looking, I want to know everything she does." Gabriel spoke smoothly as John looked to a warrior who nodded and left with the other.

" How is she?" John as after a moment of silence. Gabriel sighed as his eyes trailed down to Sam's sleeping form on his lap.

" Getting worse. Her wolf smell is all but gone along with her strength." Gabriel spoke with pain in his voice.

" I'm sorry, Gab. I really wish there was something I could do." John spoke softly with a worried look on his face. There was another blanket of silence as both men watched the sleeping Luna, who let off a small shiver and buried herself closer into Gabriel.

" Can you pass the blanket over please." Gabriel asked pointing to the deep red blanket hung over the back of the sofa. John stood up and grabbed it before opening it and placing it over Sam, Gabriel moved it so she was tuck in. He brought his hand up and smoothed it over her forehead giving her a soft kiss. But something struck him as odd with the fact she shivered, yet her temperature was boiling.

" Is everything alright? You look worried?" John asked with fear as Gabriel felt Sam's forehead properly with his hand.

" She is boiling." Gabriel shifted in his seat as John walked over and felt her forehead as well. Gabriel lifted her face slightly to see she was tinted red all over.

" She's getting a fever." John whispered and Gabriel's eye snapped up to with with fear and panic.

" I will get Greg, you take her too your room." John spoke as Gabriel nodded and stood up with Sam in his arms, the blanket still covering her. He and John walked out of the office and split ways with Gabriel going right to his room. Gabriel rested his chin on top of Sam's head and pulled her closer.

" don't worry, princess. I'm here and you are going to be just fine." He whispered softly as he walked swiftly into his room and placed her down onto his bed. He covered her with his covers and blankets to help her sweat out the fever. He finished just as Greg -the pack doctor- walked into his room.

" Alpha." He nodded to Gabriel who nodded back and went straight to Sam. He took her temperature and completed a few extra checks such as her pulse and blood pressure.

" Will she be alright?" Gabriel asked quietly to Greg who had just finished his tests.

" It's hard to say. With her current condition her immune system with slowly start to fail, resulting in illnesses." Greg explained to the Alpha and Beta who looked over Sam with a worried glance.

" But she will be okay?" John asked in a small voice as Greg sighed.

" I have no idea. An illness that myself or one of you could easily fight off; could just as easily kill Luna Sam." Greg explained as Gabriel's head fell into his hands with a heavy sigh.

" So what your saying is she might not recover from this fever?" John asked with a broken sounding voice.

" She is still pretty well away from... you know. So I still believe she has enough strength too pull of her recovery." Greg said as Gabriel and John snapped their heads to look at him with hope filling their postures and expressions. "But she may take longer to heal than normal."

" What can we do?" John asked stepping closer to Greg with a hopeful smile.

" Well, I will set up a drip to keep her nourished and hydrated. She needs to be watched twenty-four hours seven days a week until she is back on her feet when I give the go ahead." Greg said standing up and walking to the door after a quick bow of his head. John looked to Gabriel and then to Sam.

" We can take turns watching her. You take the first." John spoke to Gabriel placing a hand onto his shoulder and looking at the large cloak on the wall.

" Its eleven-twenty-five now so I will be back at say four, that way you can get something to eat and shower before taking over from me?" John spoke as he hung half in half out the door. Gabriel nodded to him with a smile of hope on his lips.

" Sounds good to me." He said just as John nodded and left them alone. Gabriel took hold of Sam's hand and ran his thumb over her knuckles softly.

" You got to fight this, princess. I know you are strong enough." Gabriel whispered as he brought her hand up to his mouth and kissed it just as the door sounded with a knocking.

" Come in." Gabriel spoke knowing it was Greg with the drip for Sam. He walked into the room and quickly began to get to work.

" You know, you have changed since Sam has arrived back." Greg said as he continued to set up the drip.

" You think? In what way?" Gabriel asked curious to know.

" You are easier to be around; less threatening. You are not so quick to loose your temper." Greg spoke to him. Now if this was someone of lower ranking speaking to him like this, Gabriel would have made sure they knew who they were talking to. But Greg has been there for as long as Gabriel can remember and due to that is like a second brother to him.

" Really?" Gabriel whispered lowly as Greg finished the drip. He turned and looked down at Sam with a saddened expression.

" She has been here little over a week now and she has changed your so much." Greg spoke with a smile.

" Gabriel, promise me something." Greg spoke up looking directly at him.

" What?" Gabriel asked in return looking at him.

" When the inevitable happens..." Greg began walking around so he could bend down slightly and embrace Gabriel tightly. "Never loose the person Sam has helped you to become. Treasure it, that way you will always have her with you. In you heart." Greg whispered before releasing him and standing straight up. He turned and walked to the door.

" I promise. I promise I will try." Gabriel's broken voice sounded as Greg just opened the door. He never said another words before leaving the room. Gabriel turned his gaze to Sam with a small smile.

" I promise I will always try to keep you in my heart. No matter what." He whispered watching her tinted red face as she slept in her deep slumber.

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