Chapter 7. "Guy talk"

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The next day the guys and I decided to just have a guys day while the girls went shopping. The guys and I were at the beach house. Man, I missed this place. I was sitting on the couch with the lads as we drunk beer and watched a soccer game.

"So, how are you and ari?" Zayn asked suddenly. "Oh we're good....." I answered. I didn't know why my answer was so short. I just didn't exactly know what to say to him. "Just good?" Liam pressured. "We're great" I corrected. "Just great?" Louis asked.

"God guys why so many random questions about my relationship?" I asked a little annoyed. "Woah...calm down haz. You know we barely get to see you anymore since your married and living with Ari and all. I mean, yeah we see you all the time...but that's mostly for one direction stuff" niall complained.

I sighed. Niall's right. I needed to lighten up and enjoy the guys company while I still had it. "Ok...what do you guys want to know?" I asked already knowing they had a million questions to ask me.

"How is she in bed?" Louis asked. Haven't I already told them this before?" "Shes great" I replied. "Ugh, come on haz. Give us real answers. You know this is what guys do. Now let it out and tell us. I'm sure she's pretty fun to bang huh?" Lou said.

What? We all started at him in disbelief. "Not like that guys. You know I love el and I only think of Ari as a friend" Louis said correcting his mistake. We all nodded and I tried to think of a good answer to give them. I started blushing as i thought really deeply at what exactly Ari and I do in bed.

"Well....she's honestly the best I ever had. It feels...good. Like amazingly good. Maybe because it's more full of love instead of just fucking another girl" I said. I never reay thought of girls as "items" and just fucking them. I always had respect for girls.

But after all the terrible relationships I've been in, especially the ones just for publicity, I started to give up on girls and just start having one night stands. That was a time in my life that I regret.

Now that I've met Ari...I don't have to worry about it anymore.

"You know...I really do love her. And im sure you guys know that obviously since i keep talking about her and now that we're married and all but...seriosuly....I love my girl so much" I said letting everything out. I started talking more about her and telling them how much I love her still.

I'm not exactly even sure what all i said to them. I just started talking from the heart. Because that was the easiest place I could talk about ari. In my heart. Because she was in my heart.

Hell....for all i know, she is my heart. "Wow haz....your in deep" Liam said smiling and i smiled back. I'm glad I got to talk to them some more. We then started talking more about all of our perfect girlfriends...because that's exactly what they all were. Perfect.

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