Chapter 30. "I want a baby"

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The next day, Harry and I were walking around a lake, feeding ducks. Yesterday was such a crazy rough day so

Harry insisted on taking a walk to calm us down. I threw bread out to the ducks that waddled their way up to us. I started walking towards the duck more and lost my balance as I walked on the hill.

I almost fell until harry grabbed me quickly.

"You okay baby?" Harry asked and I nodded. "Damn duck" he muttered. I chuckled.

"Why are you blaming the duck? It was my fault I almost fell" I protected the duck.

"Yea but it's also the ducks fault you almost fell. Ari we've been walking around this lake for 20 minutes now and I can tell your afraid of one of these ducks touching you" Harry said.

Wow....he was right. I wasn't afraid of ducks...I just didn't want one to try and bite me. Harry wrapped his arm around me and we took a break from feeding the ducks.

He walked us over to a little bench and we sat down, me on his lap. He smiled at me and I just had to lean in to brush my lips against his. He smiled into the kiss and slipped his tounge into my mouth.

"Woah" I heard a small voice say. Harry and I pulled away to see a six year old staring at us. I instantly started blushing.

"I'm so sorry" her mother said as she came over and grabbed her daughters hand.

"It's no problem" Harry chuckled at the lady and she smiled. I looked around the park to see, what looked like fans, taking pictures of harry and I.

Ugh, this is getting old. 3 years of being with harry and still tons of fans and paps are always taking pictures of us. I mean...I'm use to it...but it still gets annoying.

I then looked around some more to see a lady with her husband and a little baby in her arms. I smiled at the happy family. That's what I want with Harry.

Lately I've been thinking about starting a family with harry. I....I think I'm ready.

"Love? Did you hear me?" Harry suddenly asked.

"Oh no, I'm sorry. What did you say?" I asked.

"I asked what are you thinking about?".

I just shook my head and smiled.

"Can we do something today?" I asked.

"Like what sweetie?".

I smiled at the idea I had in mind.


Why the hell did I want to do this? I'm absolutely terrible at ice skating....hell...I'm terrible at regular skating. A little boy passed us up and suddenly fell.

Some other boys started laughing at him. Ugh, jerks. Harry helped him up and smiled at him.

"Don't worry lad. Your doing great. When you fall, just get back up okay? And ignore those boys. I saw all of them fall" Harry assured the boy, bringing a big smile to my face.

God he'd be the best dad. Now I really want to start a family with him. The little boy nodded and thanked harry. He started skating away and Harry smiled up at me.

He held on to my hands as we started skating together again. Damn he was good. He started doing tricks while I was just standing there holding on to the rail.

"Come on baby. You have to take chances. Hold onto my hand" Harry said reaching out for me. My nose was red from the coolness and I had cloves on as did Harry. I grabbed onto his hand and he started skating us around.

"No, not too fast" I complained.

"Ari...honey I'm barely moving" he told me, trying to hide a smile. He started moving some more and I clutched my arms around his neck.

"See babe. Your doing it" harry congratulated me. God I bet I looked like such an idiot. I pulled away from harry to see my feet were indeed moving on the ice.

I started smiling and Harry gave me a quick peck on my lips. Me, being the idiot I am and thinking I had this under control, decided to let go of harry and try and skate myself.

"Ow!!" I yelled as I landed hard on my bum. Harry rushed over to me and helped me up. "Awww love. Are you okay?" He asked looking into my eyes carefully. I shook my head and felt like crying from the pain.

His eyes started to look pained as well as he brushed his hand against my bum, I'm guessing to try and soothe it and wipe the ice from my pants.

"Come on let's go" Harry said holding on to me. I nodded and he started skating us to the door to go leave.

"Watch out for that crack" I warned Harry. But before I could finish my sentence, he fell into the ice cold water. Dammit, the ice broke.

"Ari I'm fine. I'll find my way out, just carefully go to the sitting area" he told me. Is he serious? He really thought I was going to leave him? I started to skate carefully towards him and reached my hands out for his. He looked at me like I was crazy.

"Ari I said leave. It's ok. I'll get out" he said ignoring my hands. I decided to ignore him and I grabbed on to his hands...making me fall down as well.

In sickness and in health....for richer or for poorer....for dumb and for dumber. Ugh.

Harry and I struggled to get out the ice and people started surrounding us. Soon enough some guards finally came and helped us out.

They gave us warm blankets and hot chocolate.

"Thank you" Harry and I thanked them and they nodded. It was insane how many people were taking pictures and videos of Harry and i. Harry and I rolled out of the skating rink and I could tell harry was mad at me. He didn't say anything the whole car ride home.

When we finally made it inside the house, we both walked into our room and got comfortable.

"I'm sorry Harry" I apologized.

"Baby, I told you to leave...why didn't you?" He asked.

"I wanted to help you".

He sighed and grabbed my hands.

"I'm fine. I can take care of myself. I'm a grown man and-"

Ugh no he lost me at grown man. I then knew this was going to be a huge lecture about how i should listen to the 'man of the house' and how he can 'protect himself'. I never took these lectures seriously.

I just always thought it was cute how Harry thought he was the boss of things. Ha, I don't think so.

Has he ever heard of woman of the house? I started to think some more about having kids with harry as he kept talking. Wow....I can't believe it....I really think I'm ready.

"So that's why you should always listen to me okay? I'll be fine. I'll always be there to protect you and take care of myself so don't ever th-"

"I want to have a baby" I blurted out, cutting Harry off. His eyes widened in surprise.

"What?" He asked. I got up and placed my arms around his neck and nodded.

"My god.....are you serious?" He asked and I nodded again grinning. He lifted me into the air and spinned me around, both of us smiling widely.

He then placed me down and I pushed him onto the bed. I hovered over him and started kissing his neck.

"Ari...we don't have to do it now if you don't want to....I mean...we still have years till we can start a family" he assured me but I ignored him.

"No harry....I want this baby" I told him. He hesitated but then nodded.

"Okay....let's make this baby".

HIYA!!! God can't you guys imagine it already? Little Ari's and Harry's running around everywhere???!!! Ahhhh!!! I can't wait!!! Lemme tell you...these next chapters are gonna be full should I say this?......surprises. There...I guess that's a good word :). Keep reading loves!!! I hope your enjoying!! Vote and comment plz!! LUV U DASIABABES!!!! :)

Fireproof [H.S] (sequel to no control [Hariana])Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora