Chapter 14. "Concert"

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I was laying on the couch while Harry said he had to go to the bathroom. He finally walked back in with his phone up to his ear.

"Oh yea.......sure.......I'd think she liked that.......k lad.......bye" Harry said. Huh? Harry picked me up in his arms so he could sit down and lay me in his lap. "Who was that?" I asked curiously.

"Would you like to do anything today?" He asked not really answering my question. "Um......I guess.....". "Great, were going to a concert" he replied.


Harry was driving us to the concert. I'm not exactly sure who's it was though. " it miley cyrus?" I asked and he chuckled. "Is it.....olly murs?" I asked. "Nope" he replied. " it....".

"Babe, stop guessing. I promise you were almost there" he said cutting me off. I sighed and nodded. We finally pulled up to the big concert building and harry opened my door for me.

"Thanks" I said. "No problem love". We walked inside passing the bodyguards who let us cut in front of everyone. Harry grabbed my hand and we went backstage to go find the mystery person. He finally walked up with his red hair.

"HEY ED!!!! I haven't seen you since like.....the wedding" i said hugging him and he smiled at me. "How are you beautiful?" He asked. "I'm good....I'm good" I smiled. Harry came up and did a guy hug with ed. "So you brought me here to see ed?" I asked Harry.

"You say it like it's a bad thing" ed complained and I chuckled and pushed him a bit. "Yes sweetie.....but....there's someone here who's his opening act" Harry assured me. Oh ok cool.

"Well I got to get ready. You guys take your seats" ed told us and we nodded. A bodyguard escorted us to the seating of the concert and we were luckily front row.

Harry wrapped his arms around my waist, standing behind me. "You ready?" He asked and I nodded. Finally he group of the 4 boys walked out. Omg, it was 5sos!!!! "AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!" I screamed. Harry chuckled. He knew I was a big fan of them.

"YEA.....THATS WHAT I LIKE ABOUT YOU...." they started singing and harry and I started dancing. They then went to there next song. "SHE SAID TO ME.....FORGET WHAT YOU SAW....CAUSE GOOD GIRLS ARE BAD GIRLS THAT HAVENT BEEN CAUGHT....." they sung.

After they were done I cheered loudly and looked over to see Harry staring at me. "Oh...sorry if I'm annoying you" I said. "Baby.....your not annoying me, you just look so cute" he complimented and I blushed. Ed then came out and everyone cheered.

"HOW YOU BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE DOING TONIGHT?" Ed asked earning an extra scream from the crowd. He laughed into the mic and grabbed his guitar. He then started his first song.


"Darling loving you....till were 70" Harry sung quietly in my ear. "Just till 70 huh?" I teased smiling up at him and he laughed loudly, showing his adorable dimples that I just couldn't get enough of.

"Hey....those are ed's lyrics....not mine. And you should know by now that I will love you forever and always" he said tightening his grip on me and I smiled.

"People fall in love in mysterious ways......maybe just the touch of a hand......but me I fall in love with you every single day.....and I just wanna tell you why honey now......take me into your loving arms....kiss me under the light of a thousand your hand down my beating heart....I'm thinking out we found love right where we are" Harry sung.

Jesus, his voice sound so good with this song. With every song. His voice is so amazing it was making me smile like an idiot and cry a bit.

"Baby.....are you crying?" Harry asked as I looked down and hurried to wipe a tear off my cheek. "Baby....", Harry grabbed my face so my eyes hooked on his, "don't cry. I love you" he said kissing me.

He's so sweet. I kissed back wrapping my arms around his neck while he deepened the kiss. "AND I JUST WANTED TO DEDICATE THAT SONG TO MY TWO AMAZING BEST BUDDIES, ARIANA GRANDE AND HARRY STYLES!!!!" Ed screamed making the crowd scream as well.

"I love you more" I whispered to harry. "Not possible......" he stated kissing me again. I smiled and we continued the amazing concert.

Hey guys sorry if that chapter totally sucked!!! I'm still trying to think of ideas for all my books and I felt bad for not updating for some days so I decided to hurry and write a chapter. Hope you forgive!! Love you babes!!! :)

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