Chapter 3- No respect or consideration for others

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I was awaken from my sleep by the sounds of loud music blasting through the apartment. Oh my God, my nightmare has just began. I looked at the clock on my bed side table and saw that it was only 6:22am. I grabbed my pillow and covered my head with it trying to block out the loud music and catch a few more minute of sleep but to n avail, I had to get up out of bed.
What the hell is wrong with this guy? He's not only rude but he's also so inconsiderate. He's seriously starting to awake evil thoughts in my head towards him, i already cant stand him and seen we've only met for not even 24hours good.

I got up and when to the bathroom that was connected to my room. There's no way I'm using the main bathroom in this apartment with creep living here. I climbed into the shower and allowed the warm water to washed and relaxed my body as well as waking me up fully. After I showered I wrapped myself in a towel then brushed my teeth. I then got out of the bathroom then into my room to get dressed. I pulled on a short blue flare skirt with a white and blue halter top with some red strawberry patterns on it then catch my hair up into a ponytail then decide to go get some breakfast as well as face the asshole.

I made my way to the living room where the music was blasting from the stereo on the entertainment centre. I had to turn it down in order not to go crazy. I then went to the kitchen where I was greeted by Mr.a-hole.

"Who told you you could turn down my music?" He asked arrogantly.

I rolled my eyes then replied " Well my sleep was rudely disturbed and I do wanna keep my sanity intact so yeah whatever I turned it down, as its pretty annoying".

Just then I realised that Eric was only wearing a pair of jeans and was shirtless. His hair was still damped as if he had taken a shower not too long ago. He was holding a bowl of cereal in his hands and I could clearly see how his biceps were firm and omg the guy had a six pack. How can one show obnoxious be so perfectly sculpted?

"So are you done checking me out?" He asked arrogantly while smirking. "Look Tweety bird I know I'm hot and all but you could just take a picture, it'll last longer".

I scowled at him then replied sarcastically " Yeah right, I'd love that". Well that's another thing I've learned about _Eric for the few hours, he also a cocky bastard.

He just smirked at me then sit down at the kitchen island eating his cereal.

I made my way to the fridge and pulled out the left over mash potato and chicken from last night's dinner. I put it in the microwave and set the timer for it to be heated. I then plugged in in kettle with water to heat as well. I got a mug from the cupboard and put two tablespoon of the instant chocolate !ix in the mug.
I turned around to find Eric watching me looking annoyed. What the hell is his problem now.

"What?" I snapped

"Nothing. Just don't touch any of my stuff here OK, there expensive" he replied sounding irritated.

"Glady" I replied just agitated. "As you can see I already gave my own". Who the hell does he think he is, what does he take me for.
Just then the microwave timer went off and I went to get my food as well as pour water on my instant chocolate.

I decided that I'm not going to stay in the same place as him so I went back into the living room and started eating but to my dismay Mr.assy decide to present himself once again.
This time he came and turn back up the music. I narrowed my eyes at him.

"What the hell Lopez!? Are you trying to deaf me and annoy me to death!?" I snapped.

"Don't flatter yourself Tweety bird, your not that special" he replied sounding irritated.

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