Chapter 20- Once an asshole, Always an asshole part 1

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This chapter is going to be a short one.

Its been a great four months together with Eric he seemed to be getting sweeter everyday I don't know if it was too good to be true but I like this side of Eric.
Alexa and Chelsea kept teasing me about being lovestruck.
I told them about how Eric and I finally did it and they were surprised to hear as they said they didn't think I had it in me well you know what, neither did I.

I was going home to visit my family this weekend. I asked Eric if he wanted to come but he told me he couldn't because he had a lot of assignments to catch up on. I was leaving Friday morning and returned Sunday morning.

I drove the three hours home early Friday morning. I decided to stop by my parents workplace since it was still early and just their lunch break. My parents were surprised to see me as I didn't tell them I was coming home that weekend.

"Hey sweetie, what are you doing here? We didn't expect you home this weekend" my mom said hugging me.

"Yeah I know I was hoping to surprise you guys" I said smiling.

"You did honey" Dad said as he ghugged me as well, "You just popped up here at work of course were surprised".

"So how's everything guys?" I asked them.

"Everything is great it's a pity you visit us when we aren't going to be home this weekend" mom said.

"Really, why?" I asked them.

"Well were going on a business trip tomorrow morning dear, Janina too" Dad informed me.

"Oh I never knew. I was hoping to spend time with you guys" I said a but disappointed.

"Sorry Sav, we should have told you earlier" mom said.

"No its fine mom, we'll just spend family time tonight and I'll leave tomorrow as well. Eric will be surprised to see me back so early" I said smiling.

"How is he by the way sweetie?" Mom asked.

"He's great mom, he's catching up on assignments that's why he isn't hear as well" I told her.

"Is he treating you right?" Dad asked, "Because if he isn't I'll..."

"Of course he's treating me right Dad" I cut him off before he could finish his threat.

My family and I hang out that night, Hayden and Kylie came over as well and we played games until it was time to go to bed.
In the morning after my parents left I set off as well back to my apartment. Eric is going to be so surprised when he saw that I was back so early as he wasn't expecting me back until Monday morning.

When I reached home and parked my car I noticed that Eric's car wasn't here I thought to myself. I went inside and decided to wait until he get back then. After over five hours he still wasn't back. Where could he be I thought to myself. I decided to go out and get Chinese takeaway for dinner at the Chinese restaurant few minutes from the apartment.

I drove to the restaurant and noticed Eric's car was parked outside. What was he doing here. I got out of my car and went inside the restaurant. I then spotted Eric at one of he tables in the corner of the restaurant. I was going to go there and surprised him but stood in my spot as I saw this fake blond sat beside him then kissed him. I couldn't bare to see anymore as I was hurt, so I turned around and head straight back in my car and drove home. I went straight to my room and started to cry.

He used me. I guessed he haven't changed a bit and all those loving and caring side and talks was all just an act. I guess the saying was true, once an asshole, always an asshole.

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