Chapter 16- Home with the family

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Picture of some of Savannah's family members and relatives above.

As I reached home and stepped through the door i was engulfed with a big hug from Nina.

"Sav! you're here" she said.

"Yeah, like I said I would" I said as I hugged her as well. "Where's mom and dad?"

"Dad's upstairs and Mom's in the kitchen" she said as she walked towards the kitchen.

"Mom?" I called out as I entered the kitchen.

"Sav, you're here" mom said as she came to hug me. "You hungry? I made chicken sandwiches"

"Yeah" I said.

"Well here you go sweetie. You must be tired" mom said as she handed me a plate with a sandwich and one to Nina.

"Thanks mom" I said as I took it from her then took off my jacket and went to wash my hands.

"So how's college?" Mom asked.

"Its been OK Mom" I said to her.

"How's Alexa and Chelsea? Are they OK?" She asked.

"They're fine Mom, actually Alexa sent her love" I told her.

"That girl, she's so sweet" she said, "Hey honey, how come I never heard you talked about that roommate you were to get, what's she like?"

I suddenly stiffened. Four months of living with Eric and I never goty around to telling my parents that my new roommate was actually a guy. I knew for a fact that they'd flip so I just avoided saying anything about my roommate to them, however I knew that it was only a matter of time until they brought it up. I guess this was the moment.

"She's fine" I said through clenched teeth.

"Really? How come you never mentioned her before? Or bring her when you brought Chelsea and Alexa here?" Mom asked.
I decided to just spill it now or they'll find out eventually if I lied about it now.

"That'sBecauseShe'sKindaAGuy" I said quickly.

"What!?" Mom yelled sounding shocked.

"Woah, Sav you're living with a guy?" Janina amused.

"Shut up" I said to her as she started chuckling.

"Whose living with a guy?" I heard my Dad said as he entered the kitchen.

"Oh hey Dad" I said as I went to hug him.

"Savannah's roommate is a guy" mom said before Dad could say anything else to me.

"What!?" Dad shouted, "That's ridiculous".
Oh god I am never gonna gear the end of this. This was what I was afraid of. My parents could be pretty dramatic and overprotective of me sometimes, especially when it came to boys.

"How is it that I'm just hearing of this now? That's it you're moving out of that apartment" Dad said.

"Mom, Dad come on. What's the big deal if my roommate's a guy? You're overreacting" I said to them.

"Its not safe to be living with some strange guy, who knows what he's capable of" mom said.

"Eric isn't a stranger anymore guys, we've known each other four months now plus we have a few classes together. He's pretty OK" I told them. They seemed to calmed down a bit.

"I still don't like the idea of you living with that guy though" Dad said " I know how guys can be".

"Dad its OK, plus I can take care of myself OK guys so don't worry" I said to them and they seem to drop it.

"OK then sweetie. So how are your lectures going?" Dad asked.

"They've been good" I said to them. We continued talking for a while until I decide to go upstairs to my room.
Janina followed me as I entered my room.

"So..." She said sitting on the edge of my bed. "Is Eric your boyfriend?"

"What!? No no he's not" I told her quickly blushing, shocked that shed asked me that.

"Hmm. You're blushing, so he's either your boyfriend or you like
him" she said to me. "Is he cute?"

I sighed then answered, "Fine, I like him. So what? And yeah he is cute".

"Then you should bring him her sometime then, let us meet him" she said.

I raised my eyebrow at her. How old is this girl anyway, she's supposed to be my baby sister running around with dolls not hinting to me about guys.

"You should tell him you know" she said, "Tell him you like him. And if he likes you too you got nothing to lose plus I'll get another big brother".

"You're crazy" I said to her.

"But I'm right though" she said. Like seriously I'm here getting tips and advice from my eleven years old sister, what's wrong with this picture?


Pretty soon it was Christmas and the day for my family and relatives come together. Its almost time for our little dinner party to start so I decide I better start to get ready.
A few of my family members were already here downstairs so I got dressed in a pink and black strapless dress with a gold and black waist belt and some pink heels, my hair was let down and in its natural waves. I then decide to head down stairs.

"Omg Sav is that you? You look great" I know that voice anywhere it was my cousin Kate. She's great she's twenty seven but she and I are close.

"Kate!" I said as I hugged her. "I'm so glad to see you".

"Me too. I haven't seen you in ages. Come on mom dad and Mona are gonna want to see you" she said as she pulled me towards the kitchen where some of the others were.

"Hey everybody, look who finally decide to come down?" Kate said as we entered.

"My beautiful niece" my uncle peter said. " Come here and give me a hug" he said as he opened his arms for me.

"Hey Uncle Pete. I'm so glad to see you" I said as I went to hugged him. Uncle Peter is my mom's brother.

"Hi Aunty Elle" I said as I hugged uncle Pete's wife. She was a sweet woman, she's my cousins Kate and Mona's mother.

"Sav, you're getting so big" she smiled and said as she hugged me.

"Hey Sav" Mona said as she came to hugged me. Mona is fifteen.

I then had to greet my grandparents, then my granduncle Carl who was my Dad's uncle. I also catch up with my cousins Lee and Stacy they are twins, they're my aunt Pam's children that's my moms Dad's sister, they're 23.
My cousin Shay was really excited to see me, she's sixteen and she's my granduncle George's daughter.

Uncle Robert and his wife aunt Lea was also glad to see me. Chase their son was also there. As well as other family members.
Hayden and Kylie showed up later and she was excited to see me. Hayden surprised her by proposing to her, it was so sweet.
For the rest of the night things were great we hate dinner and catch up and all in all had a great night. We were all happy to see each other, I also got to see and hang out with Shieara as well.
I have to say it was a well spent Christmas.

End of Chapter 16.
Well you've met some of Savannah's relatives. What do you think about her family?

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