Chapter 10- Ignoring Eric

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Eric's POV

Its been a couple of weeks now and Savannah had totally ignored me. She however seem to stopped hiding from me but she still avoided me and only talked to me whenever we accidentally bumped into each other and she would mumble a sorry then walked off.

Mark, Kevin and I were hanging out at school hitting on girls when Kevin suggested we go to the party at the U-21 club on the weekend. We all agreed to go and have fun.
The evening while I got ready to go to the club I noticed that Savannah wasn't home, I wondered if she was okay or probably she was staying over at one of her friends.

Anyway after I went to the club I met up with Kevin and Mark. We were there for a few minutes then we got a few beers to drink. Soon Mark seem to disappear with some chick. Kevin smd I stood at the corner of the club talking until I heard Kevin spoke.

"Woah man, check out the hottie on the dance floor there" he said pointing. "Hey Ric, it's your roommate. Damn I never knew she move like that".

I looked where he was pointing and sure enough I spotted Savannah on the dance floor dancing with some guy. She looked really hot and she could really dance how she was moving to the beat and swinging her hips to the beats.
I then realized that the guy's hands were on her waist while hers were around his shoulders, as they dance with her laughing at whatever he was saying.

I suddenly felt a hint of jealousy as I watched them dancing. I clenched my jaw as I continued looking at them. His hands shouldn't be on her I thought to myself.
Woah, what's the matter with me? I'm here acting and thinking like a jealous boyfriend when in reality Savannah and I couldn't stand each other. Its been almost three months now since we've met and we still can't get along so why the hell do I feel like this.

"Dude? You OK?" I heard kevin said to me as I snapped out of my little though.

"Yeah. Why wouldn't I be? I said to him.

"Well for starters, you look like you're ready to kill someone and secondly you've been clutching that bottle really hard its bound to break soon" he said to me and I realized it was true.

"No man I'm good" I said to him as I looked at Savannah and the guy dancing again and our eyes then made four. I quickly looked away from her then made my way over to a chick in a tight short pink dress who was throwing her self at me earlier.

For the remainder of the night I tried to keep myself occupied and my mind off Savannah and that dude. I made out with a few girls who kept coming up to me and flirting with me.
I then decide to call it a night and just try to get laid so I left with this girl who I think name was Natasha, I was definitely not gonna take her back to my apartment though. But before I left I saw Savannah once more only thing was that sghe was sitting at the bar with her friends and the dude from earlier was no where to be seen thankfully.

It was about a month now and Savannah still was ignoring me as usual I guess she needed her space so i let her be.
I'd often noticed her on campus at times hanging out with her friends and the guy she was dancing with at the club. Like seriously he's still about?
She hardly spend a lot of time at the apartment anymore.

I was sitting in the couch in the living room watching a movie when the front door knocked. I went to open it and then saw that it was the guy from the club. What the hell? He's making house visits now?

" Hey man, I'm Dylan. Is Sav here?" He asked. He seemed like a pretty decent guy but I still hated the fact that he seem to be getting closer with Savannah.

"Eric" I said to him as we did our man handshake then I let him in. " I think she's here in her room". Just then Savannah came out she seemed to be dressed for a date and she look really beautiful I found myself staring at her.

"Hey, you're early" she said to him as she walked up to him giving him a quick hug.

"Wow. You look beautiful" he told her as she smiled and blushed.

"Thanks. You look good yourself" she told him.

"Ready to go?" He asked her.

"Yeah, let's go" she said as she walked towards the door.

"See ya man" he said to me.

"Yeah" I replied glancing at her again as she looked at me
then she and Dylan exist the apartment and made their way to his car.
I kept wondering what Savannah and the Dylan dude were doing as I lay down into the sofa watching a movie. If been checking my watch every minute to see what time it was. They've been gone for more than three hours, what date took that Kong I wondered. Just then I heard a car pull up and after a few minutes Savannah entered the apartment. She closed the door then leaned on it smiling to herself as she touched her lips.
So that bastard kissed her is it? I should be the one to do that. Woah where the hell did that thought came from? I suddenly realised something which Kevin and Mark been telling me for a while now- I think I like Savannah.

She then looked up and saw me in the sofa.
Back from your date with loverboy?" I asked. "Seems someone got a kiss".

"Why do you care?" She said irritated as she walked passed me going into the kitchen to get a drink.

I got up and follow her to the kitchen.
"I don't" I said. Really Eric a voice in my head said to me.

"Well good" she said, then added "Stop asking".

She grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge and was about to exist the kitchen when I grabbed my wrist.

"What the he-.." She began to say but I cut her off.

" Hey, tweety bird I know we can't stand each other but I just wanna apologized to you about that little incident last month, when I made that artist comment. I shouldn't have done that" I said to her while lookin at her.

She then seemed to realized what I was apologising about and she seemed to be embarrassed all over again as she remembered when she got messed up and I saw.

"Noted" she said as she ripped her hand from me then hurriedly went to her room.

I really need to start trying to get her to forgive me and maybe she'll eventually start to like me as well.

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