Chapter 15- Going Home For The Christmas Break.

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This is going to be a really short chapter.

So its down to the holiday seasoning as Christmas was coming up. I was glad for the break to go home and spend Christmas with my family. As much as I sometimes shy away from family gatherings I sort of look forward to it every year as my family and relatives would be together.
In two days I'd be leaving to go home and I was extremely excited as I missed my family very much. And a bonus is I'd get to see Shieara as well since she was also going home for the Christmas.

You could say Eric and I were somewhat like good friends now. Its weird, only few months ago we were at each other's throats and couldn't stand each other, now we've moved from being enemies to being civil with each other to being friends now.
We would still find ourselves stealing glances at each other. My heart would still flutter every time he was near me and I'd still feel a bit nervous whenever he looked at me with those blue eyes. Alexa and Chelsea kept telling me that Eric and I would soon realized we liked each other then probably share another kiss and maybe 'something else' Chelsea's words not mine.
However neither of us mentioned the kissed from that night so I doubt it'll happen again.


"So you're going home tomorrow for the Christmas?" Eric said to me as we sat down at the kitchen island eating dinner.
I cooked us pasta for dinner.

"Yeah" I told him, "What about you?"

"I'll be flying home as well in a couple of days. My parents would flip if I don't come home this Christmas. You know family tradition, whole grand parents and great grands, uncles, aunts and cousins coming over for big Christmas dinner and party" he said to me.

"Yeah I know, my entire family is gonna be home as well. With the elderlies pinching my cheeks and gush about how big I've grown and all" I said as I shivered at the thought.

"I've been there" Eric said laughing. "How long do you have to drive to get home by the way?"

"About three and a half hours. So I've got to get a lot of rest to start my journey in the morning" I told him.

"Will you be alright driving home by yourself for three hours?" He asked.

"Yeah I'll be fine, I've done it before" I said.

We finished eating then did the dishes together then I told him goodnight and went to bed early since I was pretty tired.

In the morning I got up at six then went to the bathroom. I got a bathe then came out and put on a black dress with some yellow flower patterns on it then slipped on my black jacket.
I then went to get something to eat before I set out for my journey home.

"Hey you're ready early" Eric said to me as he came into the kitchen.

"Yeah I've got a long way to go so I figure I'd start it early" I said to him.
I got a bowl and poured some milk in then some cornflakes.
Eric and I chatted while I ate. After I was finished I got up and wash the bowl.

"I think I should get going now" I said to him, "So have a great Christmas and a safe flight whenever you're going. See you when I get back".

"Yeah you too, safe travel" he said, "See ya".

I smiled at him as i grabbed my bag then walked to the door.

"Bye" I said to him as I smiled waved to him then exit the house.

I got into my car and drove off on my three hours journey home for the Christmas break.

Falling For My BadBoy RoommateOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora