Spooky Island and The Lounge

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Well... wasn't that a lovely flight?

Fred had insisted on getting all my stuff out of the overhead compartment once we had landed, shoving his toned chest in my face as he did so. What was with this guy? First he checks out Daphne, and then he comes onto me? Wait, what am I saying? Fred would never come onto me. I really need to get off this plane- this tin bird's messing with my head.

I grabbed my stuff from Fred once he had handed it down to me and pushed past him. Right now, I didn't care if it hurt his feelings. Right now, I wanted to get as far away from him as possible, before certain feelings from the past began to resurface, as I am sure they would do eventually.

I stomped straight past Shaggy and Scooby, and Shaggy ran after me. I stopped for him.

"Like, let me give you a hand, Avery," he offered, and took my hand luggage from me while I still kept a firm hold on my laptop case.

I nodded my thanks curtly, and he knew something was up.

"Like did he do something on that flight?" he whispered darkly, his usual laid-back persona returning once more to the protective-brother stage.

I shook my head; "I just wanna go home Shaggy," I caved, admitting in a shaky whisper.

Shaggy smiled at me sympathetically as he saw the gang traipsing down the metal steps from the plane.

"Like, me 'n' Scoob are gonna solve this mystery, Avery, so that you can go home even sooner," he promised, smiling.

Scooby was beside us and nodded his head vigorously, tongue wagging as he no longer had to worry about his "Grandma" persona.

"Thanks guys," I whispered, beginning to tear up.

"You just do the work you gotta do, like okay?" Shaggy asked, and I nodded before he pulled me into a hug.

From over Shaggy's shoulder, I could see the rest of the 'gang' had joined us, and Fred was looking at me concerned. I ignored him and straightened up, taking a deep breath and nodding at Shaggy, beaming at him to let him know I was okay.

Scooby sauntered towards the resort, but was nearly attacked by this massive... thing. I don't really know how to describe it. It began to wave its arms around and cheering.

"Scooby Doo! Oh and the rest of Mystery Inc. How wonderful!" the thing declared, waving its arms happily and nearly knocking several people over in the process. 

"Sorry," the man apologised to each one as he made his way out of the costume and over to us.

He shook each of our hands.

"Ah Avery Rogers, I can't wait for you to work this case," he said genuinely to me as he got to me, shaking my hand vigorously.

"Actually Mr Mondavarious, I won't be," I admitted hesitantly, and his smile fell.

"Why ever not my dear?" he asked, concerned, and I could see every member of the gang except Daphne look over at me sadly.

"Mystery just isn't my ball game any more. I've only come to offer my support to certain people," I said pointedly, before adding kindly to the owner of the theme park, "I'm not asking for a library, but is there anywhere you could recommend for me to do my work?"

He brightened up slightly, and replied, "I can only offer you the lounge, my dear."

"Just tell me where," I smiled.

He turned around and pointed out the room before sending me on my way.

"Good luck," I grinned to Shaggy and Scooby before turning on my heel and heading towards the main building.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2015 ⏰

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