You're Nothing... Okay, So I'm Quitting!

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*Time skip about a week*

Tonight was the night that the gang was going to catch the Lunar Ghost! We already had a pretty good idea of who was behind it all, but we of course needed to catch them just to make sure.

Anyway, we were in the warehouse, all positioned as we needed to be. Velma was up on the balcony, surveying her ingenious plan as usual, Shaggy and Scooby were hidden in a barrel, I was crouched next to the dumpster ready to trip the ghost, Daphne was nowhere to be found, and Fred was in a corner doing some very impressive tricks with the hose.... wait, what am I saying?

Anyway, my walkie-talkie vibrated in my pocket as Velma's voice was broadcasted to us all.

"Fred, come in Fred," she said.

I looked in Fred's direction and he was still swinging the hose. I rolled my eyes.

Then he stopped momentarily, saying, "Fredster here, Velms."

Velma then went on to explain the plan; "Shockingly, Daphne has been captured again," she groaned, and I smirked.

"That's okay," Fred defended Daphne, making me gag, "When the ghost comes around with her, we'll execute the plan then."

"Fine," Velma sighed, "On my signal, you will activate the conveyorbelt, spilling the oil onto the floor."

"The ghost will slip, then I will kick out his legs from underneath him once he gets close, and he'll go flying into the dumpster," I finished for her.

"Exactly," Velma said, and at that moment, the ghost came flying into view.

Needless to say, the plan didn't go as expected. Fred couldn't work the conveyorbelt in time, Velma fell over the balcony with chains tied round her ankles, Shaggy and Scooby had to show some pretty ace skateboarding skills, and then the two of them, plus Daphne, had fallen into the mountain of boxes with the Lunar Ghost. But.... at least we got him.

Then, the reporters came. I turned my back to the cameras, walking a little way away. I never liked this bit- the publicity. I guess it's just another reason why Fred preferred Daphne over me- the two of them love the spotlight, and I just don't.

I heard Fred take credit for the plan, and felt a wave of sympathy for Velma. He always does that, and the plans are never his to take credit for. Then Old Man Winkles was revealed, as expected, and arrested. I headed out for some air whilst Fred signed multiple things for his fangirls, and the other posed for shots for the paper.

I headed to the Mystery Machine, and leant my back against it, before slumping down to the floor and just sitting there, waiting for everyone else to come out of the warehouse.

Ten minutes or so later, the gang burst out, Velma yelling at Fred, Daphne tottering behind, and Shaggy and Scooby looking worried.

"I can't believe you took credit for my plan again!" Velma exclaimed... okay, he had that one coming.

"Some plan," Daphne muttered, "That ghost pawed me for an hour and a half."

Shaggy was stood next to me, and Scooby next to him, and both were sharing worried glances with me.

"Daph, it's not our fault you always get kidnapped," Fred said.... harsh, but you know, she kind of does... maybe it's an attention-seeking thing...

"I do not always get kidnapped!" she exclaimed.

I scoffed at that, and the gang seemed to realise I was there.

"What's that meant to mean?" Daphne asked me, glaring down at me.

I stood up to my full height which was a little taller than her bar her heels.

I didn't get in her face, but I made my point when I said, "Daphne, it can't exactly be news to you that nearly every case we go on, you end up getting captured at some point; whether it be by a ghost, or a ghoul, or a monster."

Now she scoffed; "I don't know how you can judge exactly, oh but wait I do- you just sit back and watch because you can't do anything. You're worthless to this team, Avery- you're nothing!"

Okay- that hurt.

"Hey, hey, hey," Shaggy said, defending me, "Avery is something to the team!"

Then he went on about us all being a part of a banana split or something... trust him to compare us to food.

I wasn't listening though. Daphne's words were echoing through my head, and I began walking away.

"Avery, where are you going?"

I turned and saw, the whole gang looking at me, Fred having drawn their attention to me with his words.

I sighed, taking a deep breath; "No, I've realised that I'm not of any great importance to this team. You'd all do fine without me, and let's face it, you only really accepted me because accepting Shaggy's sister into the group would be the polite thing to do," I paused, then continued, "I'm not needed so that's it, guys... I quit!"

I turned on my heel again, walking briskly away, ignoring the awed silence behind me.

I wouldn't quit on Shaggy and Scooby. No, I'll be with them til the end. The others though.... not so much, it seems...

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