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Tilly POV

Waking up the next morning I stretch then sit up I gasp grandma is sitting on the bed and grandpa is in the chair.
"We came in honey a cause you were whimpering when we sat with you you calmed down, were you having a bad dream?"
"I can't remember" wishing that I truly didn't ,

I'm standing on a cliff  on my toes  letting myself fall forward wanting to live but the pain is to much, everyday week after falling I feel the wind race past me but just as I'm about to hit rocks I wake up.

"As long as your ok"
"I am grandpa" I smile at him
"Well you better get up young lady I'm sure you still have some packing to do. Leave your stuff out for tomorrow and when your done we can load the car saves rushing tomorrow"
"I will grandma there is just somewhere I need to go first".

Left alone in my room  I sit in the chair looking outside. I feel numb this is the last day I'll sit here the last day I'll see this view I think about my mom and dad ,I have photo albums of pictures of them. I've not looked at them in a while, even after all this time It hurts so bad. After a shower I put on some jeans and jumper with a jacket, I run downstairs and head for the door.
"OK WE LOVE YOU TO!" closing the door behind me I walk to the cemetery, walking along the path I reach where my parents are buried my grandparents put a bench by there grave so I sit down.
"I'm sorry that I have turned out to be a disappointment to you, I miss you both so much grandma and grandpa have done amazing job raising me I'm so lucky to have them. I'm leaving tomorrow going to Australia I know grandma and pa will be ok they have many friends" I smile at the grave. "Mom, dad I'm so lost I need you everything hurts so bad, I wish I could see you one more time, tell you how much I love you, hold you".
With tears rolling down my face I look at there graves my heart hurts I can feel a heavy weight around it, placing my hand over my heart I press trying to ease just a little of the pain.  Been here a while yet I don't have the energy to move, I stare so hard at there grave hoping an answer pops into my head it never does sitting forward I place my face in my hands sliding them back through my hair.

I'm sad as I will never be able to just walk down the street to there graves sit  and talk to them. I'm having doubts serious doubts about going. I shake my head as to clear it no I can't have doubts this is what needs to be done I can't be selfish I won't be selfish. Making my way home I have been longer a lot longer close to two and half hours walking into the kitchen I see grandma.
"Hi sorry I was so long time got away from me"
"It's ok we weren't being nosey but I got worried sent your grandpa out he saw at the cemetery that's why I never called"
"Where is grandpa?"
"I sent him over to the Owens with a load of food I suppose he got talking" she smiles at me" and they say woman can talk" we both laugh.
"Here let me help you grandma" I set about helping with the food it smells delicious grandma loves to cook I love being in the kitchen with her it's one of my best memories. We finish we have chocolate chip cookies, muffins, apple pie, brownies, fruit salard, you name it it's on the table grandpa walks in.
"Wow my two best girls have been busy" he kisses my forehead and goes to grandma and kisses her lips they look at each other I know they are talking through there mind link. Grandpa sits at the table and picks up a cookie I laugh when grandma hits him with her wooden spoon he drops the cookie and looks at me with sad eyes. walking over to him I pick up the cookie and hand it to him grandma rolls her eyes but you can't miss the smile as she turns back to the cooker. Grandpa devours the cookie in two bites I kiss his temple and make us some coffee "grandma sit down have your coffee"
"I can have my coffee standing up dear ,I want to pack all this food up there is a bit of everything put in a big tub then she puts a label on the top of the container, for my beautiful granddaughter Tilly, Walking to her wrapping my arms around her.
"Grandma I love you so much it's going to be hard for me to leave you both I will call you everyday to let you know I'm ok. I'll Skype so you can see me, please don't cry" I hold her tighter she looks into my eyes and places her hands on my cheeks
"Your parents would of been so proud of you darling just like we are" she kisses my cheek "now why don't you get your bags so grandpa can put them in the car"
"Ok grandma"

In my room seeing it packed really hits home that this is happening I'm sitting on my bed when grandpa comes in he sits next to me and hands me an envelope opening it I find a check for ten thousand pounds.
"Don't even think about refusing it this is to help you get started with furniture me and grandma will be visiting often, just remember this is your home to if ever you want to come back you can, this is not goodbye it's more like see you late"
"I love you grandpa"
"I love you to darling, right let's get the car packed" he takes my suitcases down to the car with the bags gone the room looks even emptier all that is in my room is the furniture and the clothes for tomorrow.
"Tilly darling tea is ready"

In the kitchen grandma has made my favourite meal pasta salad with meatballs we eat our food in silence. I do the washing up,  in the living room I see my grandparents in a embrace not saying anything I walk up to my room and sit in the chair looking out at the woods. I got so lost in thought that I didn't hear when my grandparents come in, grandma sits on the bed and grandpa got another chair and sat next to me. I rested my head in grandpas shoulder we talked for a bit I look over to see grandma asleep on my bed, resting against grandpas shoulder I look out into the woods, I'm holding onto grandpas arm so tightly he kisses my temple, closing my eyes I smell his aftershave surrounding me I fall asleep.

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