I Got A Job

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Tilly's POV
Walking into the kitchen I use my wolf speed and strength to put everything in it's place I do the same with all the rooms it takes an hour. With that done I take all the boxes and rubbish outside. Back inside I really could do with a cup of coffee but I have no food in the house, I grab the tub of food grandma put for me and eat it all, placing the tub in the sink I grab my phone and sit on the sofa I dial my grandparents number.
"Hello Tilly" sound cheerful I tell myself
"Hi grandma hi grandpa"
"How are you? are you eating?"
"I am grandma I'm going shopping in a bit, I got a job at a place called Jennifer's coffee house"
"I'm so proud of you!"
"Thank you grandpa the owner is a wolf as well ,I met a woman called Sally she was nice, I've also kitted the cottage out today I'll take some photos and show you"
"That would be wonderful dear"
"It's been a good day so far I just have shopping to do then have a nice long bath, what have you two been doing?"
"Well Martha is getting better I have seen her the past two days iv been cooking lots oh I am crocheting some things for you"
"Thanks grandma, grandpa what have you been up to?"
"I'm working on my car got me Owen helping me"
"That's great grandpa"
"It's nice to hear your making friends dear sounds like your setting in well on your first day "
"I am grandma ,well I better go shopping I'll call you tomorrow I love you both so much"
"We love you to honey speak to you tomorrow, goodbye darling"
"Bye grandma grandpa".
Hang up the phone, sitting there I look at the stuff I have brought it looks like I have lived here a while but I'm happy I got everything done one less thing to worry about. Standing up I walk to the patio doors deciding I need a run I walk out the back strip my clothes and leave them by a tree I let my wolf take over.
"Alice let's try not to go to far until I understand these woods a bit better!"
"Ok" with that I'm off and running it's great I feel free pushing myself I run faster suddenly I sense another wolf turning around I shake out my fur to hide my sent and run back home. I shift changing back into my clothes walking inside I lock the door, going to the kitchen I grab a glass of water then I get my bag and head out.
Walking down the road I sense someone behind me I turn around and the guy stops dropping to his knee ties his shoe lace I carry on walking and look behind me again to see he has disappeared I turn around and the guy is In front of me.
"Can I help you?"
"Your not scared?"
"No should I be?"
"Your a wolf!"
"Yes so are you!"
"My name is Storm"
"That's unusual but unique well what do you want Storm?"
"I'm the Beta of the New forest pack why have you not visited our Alpha?"
"Didn't know I had to I'm kind of a Lone Ranger keep myself to myself!"
"It shows respect to introduce yourself!"
"I only arrived yesterday I had things to do like find work kit out my home you know"
"I understand that when can I make an appointment for you?"
"It's Monday today how about Friday is that alright?"
"Fine Friday say six pm"
"Perfect can I go now?"
"Sure where you going?"
"Shopping I got no food in and I'm starved"
"I can show you where it is if you like"
"Sure why not".
We walk along talking a bit we get to the store and Storm comes in with me he gets a lot of looks from the lady's.
"Have you found your mate?"
"Not yet" he looks sad
"I'm sorry I shouldn't of asked"
"It's ok by the way you haven't told me your name" oh god I haven't
"I'm sorry my name is Tilly"
"That's a pretty name have you found your mate?" I tense up he notices "You ok?"
"Yes I haven't found my mate and I don't want to" he looks at me like I'm crazy
"Why wouldn't you want to?"
"If I answer no more questions on the subject"
"Because my mate can do so much better than me". He goes to speak but I shoot him a look, we walk around I get everything I need he takes most of the bags he walks me back home. When we arrive he see the cottage.
"Ah so you brought the cottage"
"I did yes no neighbours surrounded by woods or should that be bush here ? what more could a she wolf want!" , going into the kitchen we put all the food away.
"You did all this today?"
"I did yes and I got a job"
"Wow you work fast!"
"Thank you would you like a coffee?
"Please if you don't mind"
"I wouldn't of offered if i did!" I smile at him, making the coffee we go into the living room I sit in the chair. We talk some more he is a funny guy.
"I must go the Alpha need me!" he asks me for a piece of paper and he gives me his number, I walk him to the door say goodnight and lock the door.
In the kitchen I grab the pasta and meatballs, making my dinner makes me think of grandma a tear comes to my eye soon they are flowing down my face. I think back to what the teenagers said, why do people have to be mean? there is no need for it, the words keep going round In my head she's so fat, taking my food into the living room I turn on the tv and eat, food is like a friend to me I stuff my face feeling better for a moment.
Finishing my food I wash up, going to the bathroom I run the bath put some oils in ,walking into the bedroom I grab my pyjamas. Slipping out of my clothes I climb into the bath and rest my head back, closing my eyes I lie there till the water starts to go cool, getting out I dry myself put my pyjamas on, brushing my teeth I walk around making sure everywhere is locked, switching off the tv I go into the bedroom and put my phone on charge and set the alarm, climbing under the covers I snuggle down and close my eyes willing sleep to take me over.

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