My Everything

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Tilly's p.o.v
Looking at the picture In front of me it is of me and my parents I'm only a few days old under the picture is writing I trace over the writing my mother wrote our precious daughter they look so happy, placing my hand over my heart to ease the pain the first tear rolls down my face. Camden puts his arm around me I see grandpa do the same to grandma
"I miss them so much I felt angry that they left me, I wasn't good enough for them to hang on, that turns into guilt it wasn't there fault" I sniff turning the page I see more pictures of the three of us, they look so happy the more I look the more it hurts, I know I need to this to find some happiness in these pictures. All I see is sadness at what I lost I want to just shut the album and put it away but I don't.
Turning over I see my mother and father in a lovers embrace they look so In love I look at Camden he is smiling at me I give him a teary smile back, turning the page I see a picture of my mom as kids by the lake with my grandparents, my heart aches. By the time I finish going through the album all of us are in tears there are more pages in the album that need filling, I hug my grandparents for the longest time they lost there daughter as well.
Snuggling into Camden I let the tears fall he is rubbing his hand up and down my back I'll just close my eyes for a moment.
"We are very happy she found you Camden"
"I'm happy I found her she means everything to me"
"I must get that chair for her as soon as possible, I'll call Arthur have him ship it over"
"That's a good idea she will love it ". I smile down at my beautiful sleeping mate.
It's morning now I see Storm, Phillip, Conner  as they enter I tell them to be quite, moving from under Tilly I show them what needs to be moved it only takes one trip my Tilly does not have a lot I plan to change that. Walking into the kitchen Carol is making breakfast we sit down and eat.
"I'll put Tilly's away until she wakes".
Coming awake I stretch sitting up rubbing my eyes I see it's morning well late morning Camden is on my laptop
"I hope you don't mind baby"
"Of course not"
"Your breakfast is in the kitchen" walking to the kitchen I pull my breakfast out of the microwave, it looks delicious sitting at the table I shovel it into my mouth I'm so hungry Camden walks in with a smile on his lips my mouth full off food I blush, I must look like a pig.
"Don't blush baby you enjoy your food" I swallow
"I'm hunger well was hungry" I laugh looking at the now empty plate "where are my grandparents?"
"Over at the pack house we are having a BBQ this afternoon I'm going to introduce you to everyone is that ok?"
"Yes it's fine when are the guys getting here to help move?"
"They have been I gave your grandparents the key to let them in all you need to do is unpack"
"You should of woken me"
"No need baby"
"Thank you" I get up and wash my plate.
"I'm going to shower then we can get going" walking into my bedroom I grab the clothes left out for me and go to the bathroom, turning the shower on I stand under the spray I see Camden walk in and strip, I can't help staring at him he is perfect looking at myself I can't help but feel like he could do so much better, turning back under the water I try to hold a sob in that is trying to get out. I feel Camden behind me
"Tell me"
"What?" I croak
"What that thought was that has made you unhappy"
"It's nothing"
"Ok I was just thinking that you could do so much better than me your perfect"
He growls and turners me around I keep my head down, placing a finger under my chin he lifts my head up.
"I love you baby I'll tell you that a thousand times a day if need be I'll love you always I can't wait to see you have my pups and build a life together you are my everything" the sob I was trying to hold escapes me, holding me close I wonder how I got so lucky.
After getting dressed, we walk out I make sure that everything is locked.
"Do you want to go for a run first?"
"Please" we strip down and shift Alice is happy to be out Blake Camden's wolf walks to me and they lick each other's snout, I take off running with my clothes in my mouth Blake nips my tail dropping my clothes I turn and run after him he slows down and I brush my fur against his loving the sparks that fly through my body. Blake nudges my side and I follow him to a stream it's beautiful we both have a drink. I lie on the soft grass and Blake lies next to me with his head on my neck
"You ok baby?"
"Yes it's beautiful here"
"Not as beautiful as you"
"Smooth talker I suppose we better make a move"
"Only if you want to"
"Yes I want to help with the arrangements". Getting up we have to find our clothes after locating them we get dressed and walk through the forest as we get closer to the pack three wolves appear before us and bow there heads.
"Hello I'm Tilly" they bow there heads again I step forward Camden still has my hand
"May I shake your paws?" each of the wolves sit on there butts I go to the closest and hold my hand out he gently places his paw in my hand I do the same with the three others.
"I'll see you later in human form" I laugh they all give me a wolf smile and are gone
"Your amazing"
"So are you" walking on some more I see the pack house come into view we walk inside and everyone is busy
"Hello everyone" they all stop
"Luna Alpha" they say
"Please carry on I'm here to help" everyone starts rushing around again
"I'm going to do some work"
"Ok I'll be here" he kisses me In front of everyone they all smile except one she wolf she must be about nineteen she slams the plate down and walks out, I just ignore it and walk to my grandma.
"Where's grandpa?"
"Helping set up you want to help me darling?"
"I would love to"
"Hello Luna"
"Hello what's your name?"
"I'm Sophie"
"Well it's lovely to meet you Sophie"
"You to Luna"
"Please call me Tilly" she is wringing her hands and goes to walk out the door "Sophie"
"Yes lu-Tilly she whispers"
"Would you like to help us?" I smile at her
"Really come" she comes over we are making cakes and laughing when all of a sudden I hear a scream.

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