Frigid Flora

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Extended Summary

Flora Montgomery - more commonly known as Frigid Flo - has a secret fear of touching and being touched. When a certain incident brings her face to face with Parker Heywood, the school's infamous flirt, her life begins spiralling downhill. What's worse, he can't seem to keep his hands off her.


"You're quite weird," Parker mused. "Most girls are dying to get me in their pants. But you, you won't even let me tap you on the shoulder."

"I'm weird?" I laughed without amusement. "Coming from the guy that tried to flirt with me after I almost killed him."


//All rights reserved. All of the story's ideas come from my own brain so if you copy any of my work without my total consent then idk, I'll probably cry in a corner or something lmao. Nah, I'd give my cousin a call because he's a kick ass lawyer in the making and he'd take you down so fast. So yeah, this is my brain baby as far as I know, therefore if it's similar in any way to someone else's work I promise you it's purely coincidental. Also, please note that this story is relatively light hearted rather than too serious even though it does involve some very serious issues. You might need a certain humour to get it, I'm not sure. Thanks for checking this out !!//

Warning: Though this novel isn't rated mature, there will be swearing and comments/actions of sexual behaviour (not too much or too graphic but the point still stands) so if you're uncomfortable with this then perhaps this isn't the story for you. It will also deal with serious issues such as sexual abuse as well as lightly touching on suicidal comments (e.g, I'm going to kill myself if you keep talking) though I mention the latter purely in case joking of that sort triggers any of you - which is the last thing I want. There's also a creepy stalker in this, should probably mention that.

//this sounds like one of those depressing tales that make you weep I stg like I'm just here to maybe make you guys laugh at my uncomfortable story please don't be put off by that serious para//

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