thirty-four - relationship confirmation

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Chapter Thirty-Four

Parker's P.O.V

There was one thing I could no longer stand to endure anymore of, and that was drama. It seemed that wherever Flora and I dared move, some massive complication would follow in wild pursuit. At times it would temporarily back off, lulling us into this false sense of security that things might have quietened down again, and then the drama hit us once more with a vengeance. At least in previous situations it had always been within my power to do something about it. To give my all into making things okay again. In this small sterile white room with its locked door, rickety table and police officer for company, there wasn't a thing I was capable of changing. External forces would run their course and there was nothing I could do to end or slow any of them. Flora, wherever she was out there, was completely on her own.

"You need to send someone out there. Get someone to look for her- something!" I banged my fist against the table top knowing my hundredth request was yet again falling upon deaf ears. The cuffs hadn't long been taken off me. My wrists had endured entrapment for a few hours or so whilst I recounted the events I'd initially come to make a statement about but I had no idea whether I'd missed vital details in the tale. It came as a given that I would be somewhat distracted by the suggestion Flora's life might be in jeopardy according to Ian's parting words. He was in the room adjacent to mine, I was told. If I believed I could eventually take down the brick wall that separated us from one another without seriously injuring myself or failing, I'd have been attempting to do so for the past hour. The door was heavily guarded, but if Officer Miller refused to let me leave soon or even bother sending out a search party, the door might be my only alternative. "You can't- you can't just wait until she dies!"

"Son," He looked weary. He had absolutely no right to feel that way. "Don't you see that he was most likely trying to get in your head? Mess with it? The man's done awful things. You've caught him, finally trapped the beast, and now he's lashing out at you and finding ways to hurt you when he's not around. There's no proof that she's been hurt. No call from either of the Montgomery's, or any neighbours for that matter to report on any disturbances. The only call we've received tonight has been about the car that your friends claim Ian to have crashed. It went up in flames down Kent Drive after hitting the lamppost. A few of my men have been dispatched and the fire brigade called. Other than that it's been radio silence."

"You don't understand," I laughed though it lacked any amusement. Officer Miller was hopelessly gesturing for me to sit down on the chair provided but I hadn't touched it, too busy pacing. "I know him. He's done something. He gave me that superior look he does when he's done shit you had no idea he was up to. He plans stuff for every possibility. Has about a million escape routes and ways to get back at people. I'm telling you right now: Flora. Needs. Our. Help."

He sighed. "You claim to know him so well and yet he wasn't the man he claimed to be at all. He was someone else entirely. You may know one side to him, but as it's been proven, the man can act and has more sides to him than a dodecagon. After we've fully discussed why you came here to begin with, only then will we call in the Montgomerys. We're talking about the most serious crimes that have ever been brought to light in this town of ours. A place where scarcely anything illegal happens despite it being America. To be frank, we don't have enough rooms to hold you all in if the Montgomerys join the party just now. We talk through this thoroughly, and once a plan of action has been constructed and we're closer to a more reasonable hour of the morning, that's when we'll call. Until then I suggest you sit tight and answer the questions. The faster you do it, the faster we'll call."


"But nothing. One of the reasons you can't go running off to save someone that doesn't need to be saved is your familiarity with Ian. You, Parker, have seriously broken the law as well. Did you realise how much trouble that'd get you in when you came here?"

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