four - sharing twinkies

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Chapter Four

I was a creature of habit. I had my two separate routines and I liked to stick to them. I had my hellish school life where I kept to the back corners of classrooms in the hopes to stay out of sight and I attended all of my classes before going home. When I said out of sight, I meant that I tried to stay invisible to the entire student body.

Then I had my personal life where I either stayed home with Netflix all day, went to a coffee shop with Skylar if she managed to coax me out of my room or I worked on Sundays at the local supermarket.

It had been exactly one week since I'd lied to Parker, saying I'd go out with him if he left my house. One week since he warned me that he'd annoy me for the rest of time and make my life miserable if I didn't keep my end of the deal.

He hadn't been kidding.

I hadn't answered the door when it rang that night and I had barricaded it with a few items of furniture just for reassurance. I had ignored the odd glances my mum sent me and told her not to worry, just under no circumstance should she answer the door. Fairly used to my antics, she had just shaken her head and went back to reading her newspaper, still sour about having to pay for my new car tires.

After that, Parker seemed to appear everywhere I went. In classes he'd wait for me, if he noticed me in the corridor he'd yell my name, drawing a lot of unwanted attention toward us. Sometimes I'd even come out of the girls bathrooms to find him leaning against the wall outside, waiting on me with a smile (and how he knew I was emptying my bladder I don't know).

Word spread like wildfire around school about his odd behaviour ("Parker hangs around with that girl afraid of intimacy now." "What? No way. Frigid Flora? What does he do with her if she can't put out?") and so my normal routine of being invisible didn't quite work when students with nameless faces approached me 24/7 to ask what was going on between Parker and I.

Though I should have blamed myself for not taking his warning seriously enough, I didn't. I was just angrier at him than I was before. Honestly, I could have dealt with Parker interfering with my school life. It was bad anyway and students wouldn't stay hung up on the one bit of gossip forever. It was tolerable.

However, what I couldn't deal with was him meddling with my personal life.

"He's got a nice butt," Becca - a girl who worked on the next cash register over from me in the supermarket - said appreciatively as the customer she'd just served left. "That makes up for his face. I'd give him a seven out of ten."

"Mm hmm." I nodded in agreement, not really up for debating over the fact that a boy she thought was a seven I'd probably rate a negative two. He had an alarming amount of fake tan on and that just wasn't my cup of tea.

The worst part of working in the supermarket was when the place was relatively quiet with only a few customers wandering around the aisles. Becca, who always had a piece of bubble-gum flying around her mouth, took it upon herself to make conversation. I think she was under the impression that we were somehow friends just because we scanned items near each other. I didn't like that.

"This guy however," I heard her pop her bubble-gum in appreciation and start moving about. She was probably trying to fix herself up to channel her flirting game, aka, popping open a few top buttons of her work shirt and readying herself to start leaning over at unnecessary times to scan the customer's carrots or whatever. "This guy is off the scale hot. Damn, I like this one."

"Go for it." I mumbled, too busy reading the thick romance novel sitting on my lap which I'd borrowed from the school library. It was very cliché, with damsels in distress and multiple Prince Charmings, but I did enjoy that once in a while. I had to keep it hidden under the cash register in case my boss spotted me.

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