nine - jealous actions

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Chapter Nine

People always say that being normal is overrated. Coming from someone who isn't normal herself, I disagree. Life is easier (especially in highschool) when you're like everyone else. Individuality non-existent, squashed into nothing to make you a carbon copy of the average teen. In fact, there was nothing I wished for more than to be normal and to not have an irrational fear of something that I knew was harmless.

However, normality was impossible for me. That's why I had to make the best of what I was.

A normal day for my not-so-normal self was to blend into the background, to fit in with everybody else around me. If I was invisible, things tended to run far more smoothly with next to no touching incidents or embarrassing mistakes.

Alas, my meeting Parker a month ago had tipped everything upside down. His widely-known self had quite literally waltzed into my life and left everything crashing and burning in his wake. My invisibility, my reputation, my broken-into home, my involvement with the police... Everything had gone off course, straying from the path of what was supposed to be happening in my large non-event life and I could solely pin the blame on Parker Heywood for ruining things.

The next Monday that rolled around made my life seem almost back to normal - and by normal I meant before Parker kind of normal. It was as though the student body had come to a unanimous decision over the weekend that I was no longer as peculiar as they'd first assumed after my hanging out with Parker came to light. There were less people gawking and I only had to remind students that the rumours weren't true twice. However, that was only during the morning.

My afternoon was another story.

"You'll never guess who wants to talk to you!" Skylar practically sang as we made our way to our last class of the day. The girl was close to skipping, a mega watt grin making her face glow. It was somewhat alarming.

"I don't know, who?" I sighed.


"As fun as this game is, it would end a lot quicker if you just told me."

"You're no fun," She pouted before her upbeat expression made a reappearance. "Beckett Gray wants to speak with you!"

I frowned at her. "Why the heck would Beckett want to talk to me?"

She shrugged her small shoulders, strawberry blonde hair falling down her back in waves. "I think he's going to ask you out. All of the guys think you're this secret badass now that you hang out with Parker and they love it. Exciting stuff, huh? You can shoot down every single one of them."

I felt like an idiot for having thought that the relatively silent students were a good thing. I now understood that they weren't getting over Parker trailing me, the silence was simply the calm before the storm. The storm in the form of Beckett Gray.

"Are you being serious?" I gave her a sharp look, my hands breaking out into a nervous sweat already. "You know I loathe that asshole."

The amount of people I actually paid attention to or took notice of was extremely little. Beckett was one of those special, chosen few but for all of the wrong reasons.

He was the type of guy that your parents would love you to bring home due to his insane intelligence and the fact that he oozed charm. I wasn't fond of the boy at all. Reason one, he loved himself far too much for his own good; reason two, he never stopped bragging about how wealthy he and his family were; and reason three, a rumour went around last year that he left the bathroom without having washed his hands. Quite frankly, poor hygiene is a deal breaker.

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