Fulfill Your Dream!

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That night I couldn't sleep,  I had plans whirling in my head. I thought about certain pending mails, I had new ones that I had been ignoring for a while now(they still had openings). I thought if I could persuade the earlier firm to place me in some other branch. 

I talked to myself for a while, when I saw Nathan standing besides my bed ad glancing at me as if I looked dumb to him. "What?" I woke up and he sat beside, he had a water bottle in his hand;I am sure he had got up to get water from himself while he saw me awake. "What! What? I know what is going in your head." He banged, he was angry at me for the reason that my idea of a job sounded dumb to him.

"I can't stay here forever! I came here to become independent, I want to live and earn on my own!" I exclaimed, only to see him smiling at me next moment. "You have lost it and you will loose more that way. I am not stopping you to become independent. I want you to be your own God!" Nathan sounded sensible, I had got his words clearly but I was still in a fix.

"You are right! But What can I do?" He was sort of enraged the moment I asked him this. "What can YOU do? Do you KNOW what have you ALREADY done? Not a small thing. You have guts. Go ahead! Show them. Dream big. Prove yourself!" Nathan imbibed whole new strength in me! 

I had a vision in my head now. I still had long way to go!


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