Chapter 5- The Day Boruto Was Born

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It was a quiet morning here in Kohona.

Naruto and Hinata were getting ready for the day.

It was the same old rutine. Wake up, wash up, eat.

As Hinata was cooking some breakfast for the both of them, she felt the baby kick.

"Ohayo!" Naruto said while entering the room.

"Ohayo!" Hinata greeted him.

"What are we having for breakfast today, my lady?" Naruto asked while placing his sleepy head on Hinata's shoulder while hugging her from behind.

"It's a surprise!" Hinata giggled.

"Oh? So how is the baby? Is he sleeping?"

"No, I just felt him kick a minute ago."

"That's not fair! And you didn't told me?"

"He always kicks!"

Naruto placed his hand on her big stomach that was now.

Hinata was nine months pregnant starting from today. The baby could come out any day! It was so exicting!

"Hey buddy! Are you excited to see the world? Don't worrie! When you'll be born, I'll go with you on adventures and all the fun stuff!" Naruto said while smiling.

Hinata smiled at her husband.

He was just so cute when he talked to the unborn baby!

As the food was done, Hinata turned off the stove and told Naruto to sit at the table.

"Let me help you! After all you're pregnant!"

"Exacly! I'm pregnant not dying! Now let me handle it."

"Urgh fine! But let me at least get the plates."


As they ate, Hinata started to feel something wierd but not really painful.

Is this a contraction?!

"Hmm? What is it, Hinata?" Naruto asked his wife when he noticed that she wasn't eating.

"Nothing. Don't worrie!"

After they ate, both of them set down on a couch. Naruto had his head on Hinata's lap, placing a hand on her stomach.

"Can you believe it? He is almost ready to come out! He'll come out in no time!"

Hinata giggled. If only it wasn't painful.

"It have been nine months since he has in my belly. I think is time to come out."

"Ehhh? Hinata are you in labour?!" Naruto started to freak out over the fact that he would have his kid sonner.

"Calm down! I'm not in labour!"

"Phew, you scared me for a second. By the way, did you made the hospital bag? And the baby stuff bag?"

"A month ago."

"You're so cool, Hinata! I am really lucky to have you as my wife!"

Hinata started to blush.

"You're the best husband in the world." Hinata protested.

"Even Kurama is excited!"

Hinata looked at Naruto with a really nigga look. (Sorry I had to lol)

Naruto placed his hand behind his neck and started to laugh.

"I totally made that part up! He couldn't care less. He said it's going to be a pain in ass having two me. But I argued with him that even if is my child aswell, it doesn't really mean that will lool exacly like me! I hope he has your hair, face, your kindness, your everything!"

"Sweety, I don't really want him to look like me. I think that he should look like you in every point of view. But at the same time to have his own personality. And if you really want a kid to look like me, we can have another one." Hinata said.

"Another one? Hinata are you sure?" Naruto asked excited.

"Yep! But this time, I hope it's a girl!"

"Daddy's girl!"

Hinata started to giggle and then placed a hand on her belly.

"Then he's gonna be mama's boy!"

Naruto strated to laugh.

"We're gonna be the best familly out there!"

Hinata started to giggle.

"I'm hungry!" Hinata said.

"Ehh? But you just ate!"

"Well obviously I wasn't the one who ate." Hinata giggled.

"Fine... Oh! I know! Let's go to Ichiraku's!"



"I can't believe you almost gived birth at Ichiraku's!" Naruto said to his wife which was currently lying on the hospital bed, while holding her hand.

"I guess he was so excited for ramen that he just wanted out." Hinata joked.

"That's my son!" Naruto said proud.

"Okay Uzumaki-san, you need to start pushing now."



With a last cry, Hinata pushed with all her power.

And then, she felt it. The baby is out.

The baby started to cry. Hinata layed down breathlessly.

Naruto was holding her hand all this time.

As the nurse cleaned to baby they called Naruto over there.

"Cut the umbilical cord!" The nurse said excited.

Naruto started to cry when he saw his son.

He had blonde hair.

He looked exacly like him.

They gave Naruto the baby, which was now in a warm blanket.

Naruto carefully went towards Hinata with the baby in his arms.

"Hey mother! This is our son." Naruto said while tears were streaming down on his face. Hinata was holding the baby while Naruto placed a hand on his wife.

"Hinata, thank you!"

Hinata smiled and then a tear went down her cheek.

"Boruto, welcome to the world!"

Phew that was challening to write! I'm sorry if this is not what you wanted to see! But this idead popped in my and then I wrote it. So next is going to be about the Uchiha household! In the past...

Yes it means that in the next chapter there will be young Sasuke and Sarada interaction!

Omg! Let's fangirl together!

Thank you for reading and don't forget to vote and comment!

Love you all! Bye!

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