Chapter 6 - P-papa?!

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Boruto and Sarada were walking into a forest which was a little far from the village.

"Remind me once again what and why are we doing here." Boruto said.

"Urgh, do I always have to remind you? You should pay more attention. Since we were supposed to be genins, Tsunade-sama officially made us genins. But since there is no one free to be our sensei, the test we have ro do is this mission. Apparently it's a C rank mission."

"Oh! That's so cool! And what do we have to do?"

"Find this rare medicinal herb that-"

"Wait, wait, wait! Finding this stupid plant will make us genins? And why is it a C rank? Only because is outside the village?" Boruto asked.

"Well, the timeline we're from is really different Boruto. All the villages are our allies but here, in this timeline, there are no allies. Well I think the Sand Village is but the relationship between the villages isn't strong. We could be attacked right now because we're from The Hidden Leaf." Sarada explained.

Boruto looked at Sarada and then sighed.

"You Uchiha's are something alright."

"Nani? What's that suppose to mean?! Oi Boruto get back here!"


Somewhere in the same woods that Boruto and Sarada are, Sasuke and his new team, Hebi, were walking towards the same town that Boruto and Sarada were headed for information.

As they walked, Karin stopped.

"What is it, Karin?" Sasuke asked.

"There is someone ahead of us. But I don't really senced any chakra as the people ahead of us. They are children that's for sure." Karin informed Sasuke.

"Then, there is no problem. Let's go!"

One of them is a girl, probably the one with chakra that it's like Sasuke's. The other a boy. He... Wait. Is that chakra from a tailed beast?!

"Sasuke something is bothering me about those kids." Karin said.

Sasuke sighed and stopped.

"Oh god, Karin! They are only kids!" Suigetsu said.

"What is it, Karin? Is there something wierd about them?"

"Well yeah. One of them is a boy. The boy has a little bit of a tailed beats chakra!"

"So a Jinchuuriki?" Sasuke asked.

"No, he doesn't have the tailed beast inside of him. But the other one bothers me."

"What's with the other one?"

"It's a girl. She... She has a similar chakra as your own!" Karin said.

Sasuke looked at Karin in surprise.

The only person who would have a similar chakra are those who have a Kekkei Genkai. More exacly the clans. How on the world does that little girl have a similar chakra? Is she an Uchiha? No is impossible! After all they were killed right in front of him.

"Let's go."

"Huh? Sasuke?"

"Karin lead me to them."



As they were walking, Boruto and Sarada started to get bored from all this walking without action.

Then Sarada noticed a new presence. Or maybe four new presences.

"Boruto." Sarada whispered.


"We're being followed."

Boruto raised an eyebrow and looked around. He didn't saw anyone.

"Oi! Wherever you are, get out! We know you're following us!"

"Hnn" a strongly famiar voice was heard.

Then four familiar persons came out and stood in front of them.

Boruto grabbed a kunai but then-

"Ano, you look familiar! Oh! I know! You're-"

"Ehh? Are those my glases?" Karin asked pointing at Sarada's glases.

*le flashback*

Sarada was looking everywhere in the pile of stone from her ex-house that was demolished by her mother in one punch, for the photo of their family. That family photo was very precious for Sarada since it contained a photo of Sasuke.

As she found it, she saw something that she probably shouldn't have. The picture of her mother was only taped of the photo of her father. As she grabbed the photo of her father, next to his father in the origal photo, was a girl with the same glasses as hers.


Sarada asked Suigetsu to do for her a DNA test to figure out once and for all, who is her mother.

It was a shoker when the DNA test turned out to be positive.


"Sarada we need to talk." Sasuke said while entering her room.

"What is it, Papa?"

"Believe me, your biological mother is Sakura. I talked to Karin. Apparently that umbilical cord was between you and Sakura, since Karin was the one to deliver you." Sasuke explained to his daughter.

*flashback ends*

Sarada started to shiver at the memorie.

Never again...

"Obviously that I wear them means that they are mine." Sarada replied to Karin's question.

The blonde kid awfully familiar to the other blonde knuckle head he knows.

"And you are?" Sasuke asked.

"Why should we tell our names to you guys! Maybe you're enemies!" Boruto said.

"Boruto is alright. That's Sasuke Uchiha."

"Aaah! You just said my name! Sarada!"

"And you said mine. Now you're happy?"

"Oohh! So this is the famous Sasuke Uchiha that everyone was talking about!"


"Should we tell them?"

"I think that they figured that is somthing odd about us so they followed us all the way here." Sarada said.

"Well, then... Hi! You must be uncle Sasuke that my dad's been talking about! But I never actually got the change to meet you!"

"Uncle? Who's your dad?"

"Naruto Uzumaki, dattebasa!"


"And you?"

"My name is Sarada Uchiha." Sarada said.

At that, Karin's heart heart stopped.

"S-Sasuke? You had an child?!"

"I still don't know what's the situation here! Who are your parents?"

"You and Sakura Uchiha?"

At that everyone except Boruto and Sarada were looking with wide eyes.


Hey guys! Here is chapter 6! I can't believe we're already at chapter 6!

Be excited for chapter 7 cause Naruto and Sakura are joining the party!

Thanks for reading and don't forget to comment and vote!

Bye! *waves*

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