Chapter 9 - Jiraiya is Back!

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"Lady Tsunade! We finally found Jiraiya-sama!" Shizune bursted in the room.

"Finally!" Tsunade said.

"Tsunade, I didn't knew you missed me so much! Wow! What can I say I was fluttered when I heard that you-" before Jiraiya could finish Tsunade hit her desk, that hard that it cracked and split in half.

"Shut up Jiraiya! Don't get the wrong idea! YOU GOT IT?"


"Good. Now let me inform you the very reason why you're here."


Tsunade sighed.

"Two days ago, Team Kakashi came back from a mission, you know the usual bullshit. They reported the mission as a success. But-"

"Don't tell me. The fox went loose again?"

"No! Just listen to me. It's something more serious. Two brats came in the room and claimed that they are time travellers."

"Impossible! Tsunade, look I know you have a hard time beinh the Hokage. How about I buy you a day at spa? And a bottle of sake? What do you-"

"Jiraiya I am not crazy, damn it! We took DNA tests and what do you think?! They were positive! Hell, that bigger blond brat has a son!"



As Boruto, Naruto and Hinata were walking towards Ichirakus Ramen to celebrate the long up comming wedding which will happen in a long time from now, between Naruto and Hinata, Naruto spotted a long white haired man walking down the street towards his house.

"Pervy Sage?"

"Ahh! Here you are! I was actually looking for you!" Jiraiya said.

Boruto looked at the old man in front of him. He seemed somehow familiar.

"And who do we have here?"

"Well, Pervy Sage, a lot happened while you were gone and you see... I have a son."

"I thought Tsunade was bullshitting me. It seems it's true then."

"Hello! My name is Boruto! And you are?"

Naruto got confused. Why won't his son know who Pervy Sage is? He didn't die, did he?

"My name is Jiraiya young one! I am know as-"

"Oh! I know who you are! You're one of the old generation's sannins! "

"Um... Boruto. What do you mean you don't know Pervy Sage? You never got to meet him ir something?" Naruto asked worried.

Boruto thought for a second.

What should I do! Dad always told me about this old man in front of me! He always said that this was one of persons that he respected the most! I can't just say that he died! It will crush my dad's happiness! No! I musn't.

"Well you know, he is always away from the village researching so him being in this younger state is quite confusing for me." Boruto said while smiling.

"I see. Well I am your dad's sensei."

"Nice to meet you in this time line!"

Something is wrong.

Both Naruto and Hinata thought at the same time.

"Anyways, Naruto, who is the lucky woman that you married?"

"This is Hinata Hyuuga! My future wife and mother of my future kids."

Hinata felt how all her blood rushed towards the face.

"N-nice to meet you."

Jiraiya examined her body. But then he started to stare at the chest area.

"Oi! Pervy Sage! Eyes up!" Naruto said angrily.

"Oh. Sorry I didn't realized that I was staring! My bad!"

Boruto and Hinata walked in front holding hands and laughing while Naruto and Jiraiya walked behind them.

Naruto smiled at the view. He finally had a family!

"Naruto, it seems you got a really nice wife!" Jiraiya said while remembering Hinata's-

"Pervy Sage! Stop it! She's my wife! But yeah. She is amazing isn't she?"

"Especially in the chest area."

"Pervy Sage!"

"Haha just kidding! Or was I?"

Naruto gaved him a warring look.

"Ok ok, I'll stop it. But a son? Naruto you crazy child!" Jiraiya started to laugh while placing a hand on Naruto's back.

"Oww! Stop it! And I don't only have a son! I have a daughter aswell! And that's not all!" Naruto grinned.

"A daughter? Let me guess... More kids. Or she is pregnant again?" Jiraiya sweat dropped.

"No, no, no! But I won't mind another one! But there is more! And more!"

"Oh come on! Tell me!"

"I'm actually bring back Sasuke!"

"Really? That's-"

"And also, Pervy Sage, I become Hokage!"

"Get out of town! For real?!"

"Yeah! I even have my stone face!"

"Naruto, not only that you get married and have kids but you become Hokage?! This calls for some sake!"

As celebration starts, the time flows. Same as the lifetime for a certain someone.

Hey guys! Thank you for reading! I couldn't sleep (here is 02:22) so I decided to write another chapter. Is a short one but better than nothing right?

So what I will do with Jiraya problem. You'll see. I am the next Masashi Kishimoto! Just watch me!

Just kidding.

Or am I?

No just kidding.

But I am in training.

Anyways, I want to make this book mind blowing but I don't have that talent like Oda does. But then again he creates Manga but it's the same shit since he creates the storyline aswell.

But then again I am myself so you'll be stuck with lots of plot twists. Muhahahaha!

Guys don't you dare anger me! I'll kill them all!

Lol. Sorry. This is my brain in stand by mode talking.

No plot twists coming up that I decided to do. But even if I do decide to make a plot twist, is not like I wil tell you guys about it.

As for Jiraiya's case, I still don't know what to do. That's for later.

Anyways, thanks for reading!

Naruto: Don't forget to vote and comment, dattebayo!

Me: Thank you once again!

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