Chapter 15 - Enemy's Identity

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Team seven finally arrived back in the village.

Naruto rushed in his office.

"Where is it?"

"On the tree in front of the academy."

That tree?

As all of them walked towards the academy, they were surprised to see a man standing in front of the tree.

"He's smart, alright?" The man said.

Naruto frowned. Who the hell was this guy?

"Umm... Who are you?" Sakura asked.

The man turned towards them.

"I am known by many names in the past centuries. But I suppose the most fitting name I have is Tsuneo."

"Eternal man?" Sasuke whispered. (Actually it has two meanings. First is eternal hero and the second is eternal man)

This smeels like trouble.

"Are you-"

"The one that send your children to the past? Yes."


"You are terrible parents, what can I say. Your past selfves do a better job than you."

"Give our children back!"

"And the other victims!"


"What did you say!"

"I said no. Look, your children need this. Well Boruto needs this. If you didn't wanted this to happen, you should've take care of your brat in the first place. Same goes for you both!" Tsuneo said.

This is bullshit! How am I supposed to see this coming!

"Plus, I don't understand why you're getting so stressed out. Your brats are with your younger selves. Now it's time for me to go."


But it was too late. The man disappeared.


Damn you! How could you do this!

Naruto sat down on the bench, while holding a ice popsicles. The ones that him and his master used to eat after training.

Naruto started to cry again.

Now I understand Sasuke, how you felt when you lost your family. I understand...


A familiar voice was heard.

"Huh? Oh... Iruka-sensei."

"I heard about Master Jiraiya. What are you doing here? It's late."

"What are you doing here?" Naruto whispered, but loud enough for Iruka to hear.

"I honestly don't know. I felt like going for a walk."

"In the middle of the night?"


Boruto was freaking out.

What if his father decides to commit suicide?! Then he really fucked up. He would not exist neither his sister. Probably not even Sarada.

Dad... I need to find dad! But where os he! What if he already died?! What, what if-

His thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the door opening.


Naruto looked at his son and then went in his room..

He came back with a pillow and a blanket.


Boruto looked at his father in surprise.

Thanks god he didn't killed himself. But... He is still mad at me. I can't blame him. After all, I killed the only thing that was close to a parent figure.

Boruto wanted to fight the tears but couldn't anymore.

He started to cry and then went in his room for now.

I'm sorry.


"What a day." Sakura said while getting out of the bathroom.

"You can say that again. I heard about Jiraiya-san." Sarada said.

"Ano... Was this supposed to happen?"

"Yes. We can't tell you guys anything else."

"I understand. But anyways, you can tell me about your father, right?"

"About papa? Well... He wasn't home that much. We only had one meal together as a family. He tried to kill me when he first saw me."

Sakura's eyes widen.

"What the- sounds like a hapy family." Sakura said sarcastic.

"It is, actually. It's just that, the first time dad saw me, he misunderstood me as an enemy. Then he realized it's me. He really does care about you mama! I could see it in his eyes. It was compassion, love. He loves me and you more then anything! you told me once that you were with hin on his mission when you were pregnant with me. Only for him to not miss any moment of your pregnancy!"

Sakura smiled while holding back her tears.

They are a happy family.


A man walked down the streets of Konoha.

I guess this is before the Pein attack. Just a few more weeks until the Pein comes here.

As he finally reached his destination, he stoppes while looking at the windows.

"Lights off? They are sleeping then. I'll come back by tomorrow then."

Lights are off but none are asleep. Boruto decides to take a night walk.

Hey guys! Sorry for not updating the other days! I've been busy lately.

I want to clear some things first. I posted an A/N yesterday but I deleted it. At first I thought it was funny since it was a joke between me and my friends. We were playing cards against humanity (online, also known as pretend you are...) And then Levi and almost everyone from Death Note and Attack on Titan enter my game. So I was freaking out and asked Levi what every fangirl wants to ask him. Will you marry me? He said yes. Well, the reason I deleted it, it was because I started to think that you night not seen AoT/SnK and you might actually think i am getting married. I DIDN'T lie since I asked him, so it counts, right?

But anyways, thank you for readin gmy story! It really means a lot!

Don't be shy to express your opinion on my chapters! I really do care about what you guys think.

Thank you for reading and don't forget to vote and comment!

Bye guys!

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