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Day 1

He wasn't sure what exactly went through Pein's mind when he heard the plan for the Akatsuki. He supposed that it would be logical if they did become Amegakure shinobi, but one of Otogakure's? What was that man thinking? Then again, he never knew what ran through his leader's mind. This was only his second year in the organization, anyways. He also wore the pink outlier ring around his neck: gen, or mysterious. The ring itself was for optional use if the Akatsuki ever needed an extra member. It took some time, but he was finally able to convince Zetsu to let him join.

He wanted to make up for all the time he spent in rehabilitation. Zetsu had been the one who saved him from being completely crushed beneath that boulder and was the one that cared for him the years it took for his body to heal, have limbs replaced, and return to its relatively normal state—save for the excessive amount of scars that expanded over an entire half of his body.

Tobi scratched the back of his head, thoughts returning back to the situation at hand. Haruno Sakura. He didn't think he heard that name before. He walked up to the village gates clad only in his black, armor plated ensemble, green scarf, and trademark orange mask. Pein advised him not to wear his Akatsuki cloak so that he wouldn't immediately alarm the shinobi or give false warning to an oncoming attack. As he walked up to village gates, he saw a man wearing a dark purple sleeveless v-neck over a short sleeved fishnet shirt. A white Otogakure hitai-ate hung around his waist like a sash and round rimmed glasses sat on the bridge of his nose, and at Tobi's approach, he looked up from the small notebook in his hands.

"Tobi-san, was it?"

"Yes!" he chirped. "Leader-sama sent me here to stay for the whole month."

"Yakushi Kabuto," the man introduced. "Sakura-sama's assistant and right hand. Though it seemed you came at an inopportune time; Sakura-sama is currently making her rounds about the village."

Tobi walked beside Kabuto with his head cocked to the side. "Rounds?".

"Every time Rinha-san, our Chief of Medicine, goes to check up on all the clinics, medical centers, and pharmacies in the village, Sakura-sama accompanies her," Kabuto supplied. "I'm positive she does it partially because she knows she can get out of paperwork for the next few days, but I know how much she cares for any and all patients." He pushed up his glasses, a menacing aura suddenly shrouding him. "Besides, I can give her even more paperwork once she's back at her office."

Tobi shivered.

They walked down a street with a banner over it that read Medical District in thick, purple writing. Tobi felt a twinge of nostalgia as he passed by many patients, adults and children alike, with smiles on their faces despite any injuries or illnesses they might have. He sighed.

'She would've loved this.'

They headed over to clinic with a name Tobi swore he'd never imagined to see plastered on a building wall.

Juinjutsu and Experimentation

"Um... what's this place, Yakushi-san?"

Inside were people that didn't look completely human.

"Orochimaru's practices weren't something you'd call... ethical," Kabuto explained. "His subjects always ended up deformed, genetically altered, or given a curse mark. After all the people from the hideouts were relocated here, those who wanted to be rid of Orochimaru's taint swamped the hospital and other rehabilitation centers, and after I reported this to Sakura-sama, she had this institution built and personally researched everything Orochimaru had done."

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