Six Kage Summit

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"You've heard about all those rumors, haven't you?"

"Hm. Everyone knows about it. Even civilians."

Naruto and Sasuke stood before Sakura's grave with downcast eyes and a swelling hope in their hearts. Years they had to live with the fact that she'd gone off to who knows where to do who knows what only to be killed by an Akatsuki member. At that thought, Sasuke recalled his conversation with Hidan and that man. Hidan had no clue that they were the ones who killed Sakura, and didn't even show a hint of surprise when he learned about such a thing.

That wasn't exactly a normal reaction. Like he had something to do with it despite not knowing what happened. Naruto looked at his friend with thinned lips.

"I also heard that you met up with your brother."


"Shikamaru told me about it. You didn't even attack him. Why not? You've always jumped at the chance before, dattebayo," he said. Sasuke crossed his arms as he grit his teeth and let his eyes bleed to red.

"Trust me, I would have. I would have cut him down then and there and fought him until I was forced away. But..." He exhaled through his nose. "... It was because of this that Sakura is dead. It's my fault that she's gone and acting upon the reason would make matters worse."

Naruto's face scrunched up in anger. "What are you saying?" he bit out. "That she did this because of you?! The world doesn't revolve around your giant fucking ego, bastard!"

"If I never left, would this have happened? If I never came to hate Itachi and I never left Konoha for Orochimaru, don't you think that things wouldn't have turned out this way? Sakura never would have had to die and Asuma wouldn't have been killed by h—"

Sasuke shut his mouth, realizing that he said too much. Naruto took a step towards him and grabbed his collar. His eyes were blazing at the accusation. The case had never been formally determined and was left as inconclusive, Deidara and Sakura being the only suspects. It was only natural to lean towards Deidara's direction, but to push the blame on her like that wasn't acceptable. Not on his terms.

"I know Sakura-chan and she sure as hell isn't a criminal! Not even close! I don't know how you think of her, but she would never do something like that. Never!"

"The Akatsuki—"

"Screw the Akatsuki! The hell do you think you're doing, listening to scum like them? You talked to your brother, didn't you? Why would you believe a single thing he says?!" Naruto growled. Sasuke smacked his hand away and fixed his shirt.

"I'm not saying that I believe them. I'm saying that if they fully admitted to having killed Sakura, what reason would they have to lie about Asuma?"


Hidan yawned and stretched his arms over his head as he stepped out of the operating room. He'd just completed his third consecutive surgery and he was dying for some lunch. As he slipped off his coat and handed it over the desk, he heard the distinct snap of heels against the tile floor. He turned around to see Tsunade giving him a level stare and crossing her arms over her chest.

Huh. So that's where Sakura got her calves from.

"I observed the last surgery you performed. I hate to admit it, but I'm impressed," she said. "I wasn't aware the Akatsuki was in possession of such high-class medical skills.

He shrugged. "The Akatsuki doesn't necessarily exist anymore, so they don't have jack shit."

Tsunade's eyes narrowed.

"Plus, I only got into this once I was in Oto," he continued, scratching the back of his head. "The Otokage got me to try it. She's kinda... something else, y'know? She gets me interested and next thing you know, I can't find a reason to stop." Suddenly, his stomach grumbled. Hidan blinked and looked down. "I was gonna take my break. If there's nothing else, can I go?"

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