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"I think there's something I should lay down so you get the bigger picture," Kisame said. He sat down in front of Sakura's desk, brand new navy hitai-ate glistening on his forehead. He wore something similar to his Seven Swordsmen days—a sleeveless charcoal gray shirt, black pants, gray shin guards, and a waist guard. Sakura leaned forward curiously.


"This whole Akatsuki a month thing. Like every other member, I have absolutely no idea what Pein-sama's doing this for, but I do know one thing. None of us actively sought out the organization. We were recruited after leaving our villages, some of us being forced after losing a battle. So I wouldn't be surprised if you were able to bring everyone over."

The door suddenly swung open, Tobi rushing in with an armful of papers. He exclaimed various apologies before setting down a small stack of papers on Sakura's desk and jogging back out. Kisame raised an eyebrow.

"Academy graduation is coming up," she informed, motioning for him to continue. "You were saying?"

"Well most, if not all, would transfer over here. The real question isn't if they would leave the Akatsuki. It's if they'd rather follow Pein or follow you. Tobi and I were sold real quick, but as for the others... they might take a little extra convincing."

Day 2

He remembered her. Vividly, if he might add. Haruno Sakura was the one who killed his partner about three years back through sheer strength and a grand enough knowledge to concoct an antidote to Sasori's poison. She was smart, strong, and capable, but she was so young. Eighteen, right? She couldn't be as great as everyone said she was. What could she possibly know about leading a village or controlling a large amount of shinobi at her young age?

Deidara wandered about the village, gazing at the shapes of the buildings and colors. He hummed to himself at the aesthetically pleasing designs of the village. The place gave off a calm, relaxing vibe that he wouldn't mind mingling in—

Someone crashed into him.

"Watch where you're going, un!"

"I-I'm sorry it's just that I'm in a hurry and I had all these papers to..." That someone raised his eye and blinked. "Ah! Deidara-senpai! You're here this month?" he asked with a wide smile. Deidara narrowed his eyes. The voice sounded annoyingly familiar, but he couldn't quite put his finger on it.

"Have we met?" he questioned slowly. The person donned a look of pure horror.

"Senpai! I've only been gone for two months!" he cried. "Kisame-senpai knew who I was when he saw me but—but I thought we were friends! You don't recognize me? Wah! Deidara-senpai!!!"

It clicked.


Tobi's eye shined. "Oh thank goodness I thought you forgot about me!" he sighed. Deidara's jaw dropped as he narrowed his eyes even further. Two years he spent wondering what was under that mask, and he never imagined him looking kind of like Itachi of all people. Tobi gazed down at his arms, the look of horror returning to his face.

"The papers! Sorry, senpai I have to do this thing so I'll see you later!" he exclaimed. He waved a goodbye before scuttling off down the road. A few kids across the street stared after him.

"Tobi-sensei looks really busy, doesn't he?" one of them sighed.

"Yeah. But did you hear about Masao-sensei? He fell asleep at his desk and he wouldn't wake up so they started drawing on his face!"

"Really? What a dork!"

Deidara's jaw dropped even further. How and when did that idiot become a teacher?!

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