Six Kage Summit: Part Two

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There had to be some mistake.

This... This really couldn't be happening right now. She was gone and had been for the longest time. It wasn't possible for someone to be automatically raised from the dead. Maybe there were one or two forbidden jutsu to work for things like this, but that was highly unlikely. Sakura looked real and alive—no genjutsu, no tricks, nothing.

Shikamaru's eyes trailed to her forehead and to the spring green diamond. That was probably a seal that worked just like Tsunade's, furthering the idea that it really was her.

"...What's... going on...?"


"I see you've been doing well for yourself," Gaara mused. "You've done a wonderful job with Otogakure."

Sakura beamed. "Thank you! I tried implementing the system you suggested and it worked out fantastically," she replied. He hummed and quietly observed her for a few moments. He was well-acquainted with her and associated with her on many occasions in the past, him thinking they were at the level of "friends". Even with him not knowing her as well as other might, he could see that she hadn't changed a bit.

Sakura appeared just like the first time they'd met since her "passing"—four years ago at a crossroads near Nadeshiko Village.

Gaara assured his older siblings that he could make this journey alone. It was a quick reconnaissance that required his, as the Kazekage's, involvement. Eventually, he got them to ease off and convinced them that it would be quicker as a one-man job. He was walking down a road back to the ports to get back to the mainland when he felt two faint chakra signatures heading his direction.

He paused and read the situation before popping the top off his gourd. Gaara waited a few heartbeats before forming his sand into two fists and sending it through the trees.

The signatures disappeared. Gaara waited, eyes wandering around him to pinpoint where they'd gone. Suddenly, something swung down from above him. It was large and white that practically broke through his shield.

Bandaged sword?

Hoshigaki Kisame.

Gaara saw his gilled cheekbones and wide pointed grin, making him grit his teeth. He'd already had enough with the Akatsuki. They ripped out his tailed beast and killed him once already—he wasn't about to let it happen a second time. Kisame swung his sword again and was about to make contact with the Kage's shoulder when a voice rang out over their heads.

"Stand down!"

Samehada stopped centimeters away from its target. Kisame sighed and withdrew his weapon as he turned around dejectedly. "But why?! Come on, this'll be my first real fight in weeks and you're not going to let me have it?"

Gaara kept his guard up but couldn't help but feel exceedingly confused at the abrupt ending to the fight. He weighed the option to keep attacking, decided to wait and see who could command Kisame with two short words. He watched as a woman strode out from the shadowed treeline with a chastising look on her face.

"He's the Kazekage. I don't know about you, but I'm not looking for a war with one of the Great Shinobi Nations."

His sand faltered. Haruno Sakura turned and offered an apologetic smile, not paying any mind to how Gaara's eyes widened a decent fraction. She was dead. Absolutely, positively dead. He even listened to Naruto talk about it on his first visit to Suna after her funeral. Her face had also been wiped from all bingo books and her name was removed from all possible rosters.

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