Chapter 2

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Much to our surprise Meg and I were tossed from out cot onto the floor. I struggle to move as Meg tries to get off of me.

"Ugh what the hell was that?" Meg asks me.

"We must have made land, I suggest we get up." I tell her as Meg rolls off of me and stands up.

As Meg and I stand up I see Patroclus coming our way.

"We have made land, come we shall take you to camp." He tells us as he turns around and starts walking.

We follow him to the deck, we watch as the men start taking supplies off the ship. Meg keeps following Patroclus and I stay right behind her. A part of me starts to wonder why the hell we are here. Why this time period?

"Alright, I'll jump off first then one of you at a time. I promise I will catch you both." He tells us as he jumps off the boat onto the land.

"Hey maybe he isn't such a weirdo after all?" Meg says with a smile as she willingly goes over the side and into Patroclus' arms.

"Even in this time period she can't keep her hands off a man. Ugh this is going to be a weird time." I say as I look over and see Patroclus put Meg down and signals for me to jump.

I nod and push myself off the ship. All the sudden I feel a pair of strong arms catch me. I look up and smile at Patroclus as he looks down at me.

"See, I told you that you could trust me." He tells me as he puts me down. "Come on follow me."

We follow Patroclus into the camp and walk for a few minutes but stop at a tent.

"Diana, you will wait in there for Achilles." Patroclus tells me as he points to the tent.

"What of my sister? I can't just let her wonder about alone." I tell him as I cross my arms.

"She is my charge now. I promise you she will be well looked after." Patroclus says as he starts walking again and Meg of course follows him.

I walk into the tent and see how simple it really is. A pile of furs on one side which I am assuming that must be something like a bed? A water basin, mirror (if you could call it that) and some sparse other belongings. I walk over to a chair and sit down to just wait for Achilles. As I start to nod off I hear the flap of the tent open and my eyes jerk open.

"Were you sleeping?" Achilles asks me as he goes to the basin.

"Merely resting my eyes." I tell him as I stand up from the chair.

He looks over at me giving me the "Yeah right" look. He takes the water in his hands and starts to wash his face.

"I have to present spoils from the last raid to the King, after that I will return here where I expect to find you." He says as he barely looks over at me.

"What of Meg? Shouldn't I stay with her?" I ask him.

"Patroclus will take care of her." He tells me very simply as he continues to wash his face. "Are you afraid of me?"

"Uh well sort of, I mean I know you kill people and you could easily kill me. However if you wanted to kill me wouldn't you have done that by now?" I answer his question with my own.

"Clever woman, I do not plan on killing you nor your sister. You can rest around me no harm will come to you from me or any of my men." He says.

Yeah sure, I trust you about as far as I can throw you...which isn't far. I keep my guard up as I watch him.

"Come, you must be hungry." He says as he starts to walk to the opening of the tent, I follow him as we exit and make our way to a much bigger tent. "You can come here and get food whenever you want."

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