Chapter 3

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The next day Meg and I along with two other women and three guards went to the ocean to start laundry for all the people here. I watch Meg as she wades out into the water with the clothes in her hands and soap in her other hand.

"You just gonna let your sister do all the work?" I hear the woman from last night ask me.

"Oh would you just go drown or something!" I tell her as I follow Meg out into the ocean.

I finally reach Meg and we start to wash the clothes.

"So the temple they are going to take, isn't it the temple of Apollo?" I hear Meg asks me.

"Yeah, this is when they bring back Briseis. I really don't want to do with a royal." I tell her with a sigh.

"Oh yeah I remember that, you know they do kinda look like the actors from the movie. So what do you think of Achilles?"

"Meg, don't try and start something here. We aren't from this time. What if we really mess something up?" I ask her.

"Oh calm down, so what? I mean they say the future is always changing. Right now this is our future." She tells me as she washes another robe.

Well she does kind have a weird point.

"So are you going to tell me you feel nothing for him? Not even lust?" Meg asks me with a grin.

"Really? Is that all you think about? And No I don't feel anything for him. Yes he is attractive but like I said he and Briseis are about to have a thing and I am not getting involved in that." I tell her as I look back to the shore and see the guards telling us to come back.

We slowly make out way back to camp and start to hang the clothes up to dry.

"I still think you should just relax, Di there is nothing we can do right now so why not just play along?" she asks me as she hangs up a blue robe.

"Meg, I just I don't know I wish I had your outlook but I don't I just have to try and figure things out in my own way." I tell her as I repeat her action.

"You need to get laid." She says with a giggle.

I look over the robes and glare at her. Really of all the things to say in this camp she announces that I need to get laid?! Well do the people here even know what that word means?

"Hey sleeping beauty, come on we better go get some food before the others get back." Meg tells me as she hangs my last robe for me.

"Yeah, hate to see that happen." I tell her as we look to the Food Tent.

Meg and I walk inside together and manage to grab an apple and some grapes and keep walking around the tent. We tried not to sit down whenever possible. If you sat down then you were a target. Something Meg and I figured out rather quickly. I take a bit of my apple when I feel someone graze my back I jump and turn around to see Patroclus smiling at me.

"There you two are. Achilles is back and brought a priestess with him." Patroclus tells us.

"Great, just great that is all I need." I murmur as I look up.

"Well I bet he will have fun with her. After all she is royalty right? So she has to stay with him?" Meg asks him.

"Uh no, she wants nothing to do with him. Achilles sent me for Diana. He thinks she can talk some sense into her." He tells us.

"Uh huh and why would I want to do that?" I ask him.

"Just to get her to calm down? We don't want an upset priestess only Apollo knows what will happen." He says as he looks up at the sky.

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